Post-Covid-19 situation in Bulgaria

Hello everyone,

The COVID-19 pandemic had a huge impact on the world, including on expats' lives. Travel restrictions, business closures, budget cuts, and health measures have created unprecedented challenges for those who have chosen to live in Bulgaria.

Now that the pandemic is moderated, expats are adjusting to a new daily routine. So tell us, how is your expat life now:

Are there still any health measures in place in Bulgaria? If so, what are they (wearing a mask, barrier measures, etc.)?

Have you noticed any changes in the population's habits or behavior after the pandemic?

What is your new work rhythm: do you still work remotely or are you spending more time in the office?

Have you changed your spending habits? If so, which ones?

Despite this pandemic and its consequences, how do you see your future in Bulgaria?

Do you have any advice for other expats and future expats on this new daily life in Bulgaria?

Thank you for your contribution.
Mickael team

I escaped the UK in August 2020, to Bulgaria, leaving behind a terrible situation.

Whilst we had some restrictions in 2021, much of 2021 was free of any restrictions. From around March 2022, all official restrictions had gone.

Now, in Bulgaria (I'm in Varna) you still see perspex / glass partitions on counters, particularly in public services, such as post offices, railway stations, banks, hospitals and immigration offices. Those who work in public services, sometimes wear masks, but many choose not to. Transport, whether taxi, bus, railway or air is entirely free of restrictions. Hotels and Airbnb aledgedly have extra cleaning policies, although, I'm skeptical it really happens!

Bottom line is, if you're paranoid of catching something, there's nothing stopping you wearing a mask, but commonsense would say wash your hands thoroughly and often, after touching anything others have touched - such as door handles, grab handles, cash, supermarket trollies etc.

As for work, I'm retired. No, I haven't changed any habits. I still go shopping as much as I did, if not more, I visit public venues, travel in taxis daily and regularly on buses. I also travel by air and rail every few months. My biggest gripe is my kids bringing germs home from school!

Truth be told, neither my wife or I are injected with the mRNA, nor are our children. I've never caught Covid ever. However, I have other medical issues, that I'm extremely glad can be attended to immediately, concerning my pancreas, and colon - nothing whatsoever, to do with Covid.

I do not perceive Covid as a threat, even at my age, 62.