New visa allowing 5 to 10 years


The new visa allowing 5 to 10 year living in Indonesia...

The article mentions needing approx 130k US in the bank.

is that an initial amount that must exist in the bank, or is the amount a total which must be proven to be available over the 5 year period?

It is all money in the bank when you apply for your visa. Per person.

where did you read this article I'd like to read it also. 

where did you read this article I'd like to read it also.

I don't like the idea of putting that much money in an Indonesian bank for five years.  The visa is cool but that amount in an Indonesian bank.........


Indonesia's credit rating isn't too flash either.

Having that amount in a bank account likely earning peanut interest is a waste of money.

Given over 5/10 years most decent retirement Superannuation funds have averaged around the 10% mark.   Bank interest is 3+% …assuming foreigners are entitled to get it..     

You'd be torching close to $10,000 PA in lost earnings.

it would make more sense to just get the retirement Visa . 

Plus…reading the info , it would appear they want you to invest in the country as well, so I can imagine they won't want to be paying you interest on your money for very long.