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Everything you need to know to work in Vietnam
Working in Vietnam
Anyone thinking about working in Vietnam is in for a treat. Compared to many Western countries, Vietnam's workforce operates in accordance with an entirely different range of customs and traditions. We have compiled the most recent information on the Vietnamese job market to familiarize you with the job-hunting process.
Setting up a business in Vietnam
Foreign entrepreneurs from across the globe have been landing across Asia for decades. In August, Harvard ranked Vietnam as one of the top six fastest-growing nations in terms of its economy in 2023. Stop watching from a distance and learn how to set up a business in Vietnam.
Finding a job in Hanoi
With Vietnam's new visa regulations, you will need to secure a job before entering the country. Opportunities to start as a tourist are fleeting and will cause unnecessary stress. Keep in mind that if you arrive on an employment contract and want to terminate early, your employer can cancel your visa and residence permit. The good news is that networking is your best bet to switch careers or find opportunities, meaning what you put into your career in Vietnam is what you will get out of it. 
Working in Hanoi
The traditional capital of Vietnam is quickly becoming a professional's paradise. Attracting over 20,000 expats annually, there is no shortage of new connections in Hanoi, both social and professional, and the opportunity to create and develop a thriving business for oneself. The startup and tech scenes are gently accelerating, paving the way for a more modern, innovative Hanoi. Thanks to the superb variety of jobs now open to foreigners here, finding a job in Hanoi has never been easier. 
Working in Vietnam as a digital nomad
Vietnam is emerging as a new popular destination for digital nomads and downshifters. As the prices in most Asian countries are slowly rising, Vietnam remains in the favourable low-cost niche while offering all the needed facilities for working remotely.
Internships in Vietnam
Interning can be a wonderful eye-opening way to experience a new country, culture, and work climate in your profession of choice. Internships are on the rise in Vietnam, and there are a number of opportunities for young people to get their foot in the door of this exciting and rapidly growing country.
Job candidates in Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh City
Added on 13/05/2024
EUR 1800
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