Expat news

The USA under Biden: Will America take over the expatriation stage again?
The USA under Biden: Will America take over the expatriation stage again?
America's forty-sixth President, Joe Biden, has rightfully committed himself to reform the ill immigration system he inherited from Mr Trump, and rectify America's reputation as an unwelcoming and solitary country. Mr Biden aspires to re-instil into American communities the pride in diversity and kick in international mobility to attract some of the brightest and most talented in the world and grow the economy. 
Should you be worried about Mauritius being on the Financial Action Task Force grey list?
Should you be worried about Mauritius being on the Financial Action Task Force grey list?
Mauritius has been on the blacklist of the European Union since June 19, 2020. A situation that remains worrying for Mauritius as an international financial centre. But as the relevant authorities are working hard to pull the country out of the blacklist, the future does not seem so bleak.
What will salaries be like for expats in 2021?
What will salaries be like for expats in 2021?
Globally, factors such as inflation, unemployment, and economic growth define salaries. With the ongoing pandemic, countries have witnessed an increase in unemployment levels, higher inflation rates, and an economy that is in an indefinite crisis. What does it mean for salaries?
China: International students frustrated about uncertain return
Schools & studies
China: International students frustrated about uncertain return
Following a new surge of COVID-19, China is not allowing the return of international students until further notice. Stranded abroad, international students talk to us about their frustration and anxiety.
Expats amidst the protests in Asia
Everyday life
Expats amidst the protests in Asia
India and Myanmar have taken drastic measures following protests during the past few weeks. Expats, like locals, are currently faced with barricades on main roads, water cuts and internet blocks restricting access to telecommunication. Expats tell us about their experiences during these times. 
Expats in the UAE can now become citizens
Expats in the UAE can now become citizens
There is good news for investors, doctors, engineers, specialists, inventors, scientists and other highly qualified expatriates who currently live and work in the United Arab Emirates. The government recently announced its decision to grant citizenship to these profiles. What does that imply for long-term expats?
Australia remains competitive amidst the pandemic
Everyday life
Australia remains competitive amidst the pandemic
Despite the pandemic and the looming economic downturn of the crisis, Australia looks determined to attract and retain high skills from abroad. The number of visas granted under the Global Tech Talent Visa program for the current financial year has just been tripled, from 5,000 to 15,000. The list now includes new categories, such as education, tourism and the circular economy. While other expat destinations are restricting immigration to allow for jobs for local talents, Australia is taking the opposite approach.
How expats priorities have changed with the crisis
How expats priorities have changed with the crisis
The current global crisis has profoundly transformed the travel industry in recent months. With border closures and travel restrictions, many expats-to-be had no other choice than postponing their travel plans. Still, some of them are reviewing their plans, defining their new priorities.
Health Passports: The next phase of the Covid-19 response
Health Passports: The next phase of the Covid-19 response
With four Covid-19 vaccines available, and the UK having kicked immunisation early in December, the debate is shifting on health passports. For now, most of the conversation is theoretical and based on speculations, but a health passport could be on our doorstep in no time...
What makes New Zealand a great place to live in after the crisis?
Everyday life
What makes New Zealand a great place to live in after the crisis?
From April 2021, international students will be allowed to enter New Zealand. The growing demand led the New Zealand government to set up a pilot project to welcome them in several stages. What makes New Zealand such a great place to move to amidst the pandemic?
America after Trump: The road to healing for nationals and expats
Everyday life
America after Trump: The road to healing for nationals and expats
On the 20th of January this year, the United States of America will have a new President. It is no secret that Donald Trump, the soon-to-be ex-President of the US has not been very pro-immigration. His policies, whether immigration related or not, has caused a decline in the US' appeal as an expat destination. How will this change under Joe Biden's presidency?
Could Brexit be a blessing for non-Europeans?
Everyday life
Could Brexit be a blessing for non-Europeans?
You might be surprised by the following figures. As of March 2020, 316,000 more non-European citizens arrived in the UK than those who departed. The number of arrivals from European Union countries dropped from 200,000 in 2016 to around 58,000 in 2020. So it's clear that the UK currently looks less attractive to European citizens. But what does this mean for non-Europeans looking to relocate to the UK?
COVID-19: Here is all you need to know about vaccination campaigns
Health system
COVID-19: Here is all you need to know about vaccination campaigns
With more than 90.8 million positive cases globally and 1.94 million deaths since early 2020, but especially with the new strain of the virus vaccination is an urgent issue, even though many countries are struggling to start their vaccination campaigns. Here's an update on what's happening around the world and what vaccines are on offer.
Which countries currently have their borders open?
Which countries currently have their borders open?
Many countries around the world seem to have come to a standstill with a new surge of COVID-19 during the past few weeks, and a new variant. While some of them prefer to keep their borders closed, others have reopened under certain conditions. Here's an update for those who are looking to relocate overseas during this period.
How to prepare your move back home
How to prepare your move back home
Whether it's the pandemic, homesickness or something else, there are as many reasons to abandon the expat lifestyle as there are expats. If a return to your “home country” is unexpected, a little pre-preparation can help make the transition easier.
New Year and Brexit: Which changes are effective immediately
New Year and Brexit: Which changes are effective immediately
With the start of the new year, significant changes as a result of Brexit kicked in. Theoretically, the UK left the EU and its institutions on February 1, 2020. Now, the 11-month transition and negotiation period has ended, and the deal between the UK and the EU has come into effect. New agreements and regulations, which span across work life, travel, education, healthcare, tax, and communications, define the UK's relationship with the EU and vice versa. This article presents the key points of the Brexit deal which are likely to affect British expats and expats-to-be in the EU and EU nationals who are planning to move to the UK or are already there. 
Where should you move in 2021 amidst the crisis?
Where should you move in 2021 amidst the crisis?
You're perhaps waiting for the pandemic to come to an end before moving abroad, but no one can tell how long it's going to take. Moreover, with current travel restrictions and border closures, and some countries being locked down once again following a new surge, especially in Europe and Asia, choosing your next destination can be a difficult task. Still, this hard turned out to be a blessing for some countries that are trying to boost their economy by attracting foreign nationals.
Key things to consider before moving abroad in 2021
Key things to consider before moving abroad in 2021
Many of you are perhaps waiting for borders to reopen and for activities to resume so that you can finally move abroad, regardless of your motivations. Whether you dream of working, studying or retiring overseas amidst the crisis, there are many points to consider. So here's your 2021 moving abroad checklist to help you get started.

Other Types

How living abroad transforms family bonds for expats
Everyday life
How living abroad transforms family bonds for expats
Moving to a foreign country changes you and alters family relationships. You are no longer the same as before, and your family changes, too. How do you find your new bearings? How do you accept the changes induced by these long-distance relationships?
Understanding expat stress: High burnout yet strong resilience
Everyday life
Understanding expat stress: High burnout yet strong resilience
An expat's life seems to be a constant game of push and pull. Working and living abroad offers unique opportunities for personal and professional growth and cultural immersion. But it is also filled with challenges: emotional, financial, and personal. So, what should expats do to find balance? And is it even achievable?
Reconnecting with home: How expats find comfort in familiarity
Everyday life
Reconnecting with home: How expats find comfort in familiarity
Moving abroad is a chance to build a new life. You get to learn a new language, meet new people, and adjust to a new culture. But with all the "new" around, some expats can't help but cling to the "old". For some, relocation makes them understand and appreciate the value of their home cultures in a way they never did before.
Embracing the veil: Top destinations where Muslim women feel welcome
Everyday life
Embracing the veil: Top destinations where Muslim women feel welcome
Combining a new life abroad while practicing your religion is not always straightforward, especially when you choose to wear a visible sign of your faith. It significantly depends on how open the host country is. Many Muslim women who choose to wear the veil say they are particularly sensitive to how their religion is received in a foreign country.  
What expats should expect from the world's most stressful airports 
What expats should expect from the world's most stressful airports 
Air travel can be stressful. You need to arrive early, check the size of your luggage, and go through customs. And then there are flight delays. But, apparently, some airports can raise your cortisol levels higher than others.  
How to handle a toxic work environment as an expat
How to handle a toxic work environment as an expat
Your expat life might be different from the dream you imagined in a poor workplace atmosphere with poor communication, excessive hierarchy, etc. There's a rift between you and your company, and the toxic environment makes you reconsider your stay in your host country. How can you get through this? Here are some tips.