Navigating the insurance landscape in Germany: What expats need to know

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Published on 2023-09-07 at 14:47
Germany, with its thriving economy, is a favored destination for expats. The country has plenty to offer, including a comprehensive and well-established insurance landscape. As an expat in Germany, understanding the insurance system can help you navigate your new life with confidence.

Insurance in Germany can be an overwhelming topic, but expat-friendly insurance partner Feather can help. Feather's goal is to make insurance simple - especially for foreigners in Germany - by offering all the insurances you might need for life, all online and all in English. You can sign up for any policy in just a few minutes, file claims online, and rely on Feather's team of English-speaking experts to provide you with guidance and support when you need it.  

Health Insurance

In Germany, health insurance is not just popular; it's legally mandatory for all residents. 

Public Health Insurance (Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung - GKV): If you are earning under 66,600 euro annually (2023 threshold) in Germany, or you're a student under 30 years old, you're likely going to sign up for statutory health insurance in Germany. If you are employed, both you and your partner will contribute 50% to your health insurance premium. Popular public health insurance providers amongst expats include TK and Barmer.

Why is it advised? Public health insurance in Germany is accessible to most expats. Coverage is good, dependents are included for free in your premiums and pre-existing conditions are included. 

Private Health Insurance (Private Krankenversicherung - PKV): Private health insurance is available to individuals with an income of 66,600 euro or more annually, self-employed persons, and specific professional statuses. It offers more flexibility in terms of choice of doctors, quicker access to appointments and more comprehensive coverage of medical services.If you are employed, your employer will also contribute up to 50% of your monthly premium. In private health insurance, the policyholder needs to pay their medical bills upfront and claim back. Fortunately, Feather makes this process easy as you can submit claims online in just 2 minutes.

Why is it advised: For those eligible, Private Health Insurance can be more affordable than public health insurance, with more comprehensive, premium coverage. Generally you benefit most from Private health insurance if you join when you are fairly young and healthy.

Expat Insurance (Incoming Insurance): Expat health insurance is technically a type of private insurance that is ideal for new arrivals, freelancers, students over 30 and job seekers. This affordable insurance plan costs from only €72/month if you sign up on Feather. It's only possible to have expat insurance for up to 5 years, after which you will need to switch to public or full private insurance. 

Why is it advised: Expat health insurance is a good value for money option for those who are not yet ready to enter the public insurance system. Feather policyholders have the flexibility to sign up and get coverage immediately, and cancel on a month to month basis, or switch hassle free to the public health insurance system when ready. 

Unsure which health insurance is right for you? You can book a free, English consultation with an expert at Feather to discuss your personal situation. 

Liability Insurance (Haftpflichtversicherung)

Liability insurance covers damages you may unintentionally cause to others, such as personal injury or property damage. For example, if you accidentally drop a friend's phone or damage the landlord's couch. This type of insurance is not legally mandatory but is considered indispensable amongst Germany's residents, with about 85% of Germans having a liability insurance policy.

Why is it advised: Without liability insurance coverage, you put yourself at risk of substantial financial liabilities. Since most residents of Germany have liability insurance, they expect you to have it too, and will not hesitate to make a claim in the case of damages. The rental market in Germany is competitive, and mentioning you have  liability insurance will make you more attractive to landlords. Fortunately, this popular insurance is very affordable, from only €4.94/month on Feather.

Household Contents Insurance (Hausratversicherung)

Household contents insurance is designed to protect your personal belongings within your home from theft, fire, or other unforeseen events. While not mandatory, it is highly recommended for expats renting or owning property in Germany.

Why is it Advised: Household contents insurance safeguards your personal belongings, providing peace of mind by ensuring that you can replace or fix damaged or destroyed possessions without incurring significant financial burdens.

Pet Insurance (Tierversicherung)

Pet insurance is becoming increasingly popular among expats in Germany.

Pet Liability Insurance (Tierhalterhaftpflichtversicherung): This insurance is mandatory in many German states. It covers damages your pet may cause to others, including personal injuries or property damage.
Why is it advised: Pet liability insurance helps pet owners adhere to legal requirements, and protects from potential financial consequences of your pet's actions. Accidents involving pets can lead to costly legal disputes, making this coverage vital.

Pet Health Insurance (Tierkrankenversicherung): This insurance covers veterinary expenses for your pets, including illnesses, accidents, and preventive care. While not mandatory, it can be invaluable for expats who want to provide the best healthcare for their furry companions.

Why is it advised: Veterinary bills are expensive, and pet health insurance ensures that you can afford essential medical care for your pets. It eases the financial burden of unexpected veterinary bills, allowing pet owners to provide optimal care for their cats or dogs.

Legal Insurance (Rechtsschutzversicherung)

Legal insurance is designed to cover legal fees and court costs in case you become involved in legal disputes, including disputes related to employment, housing, or personal matters. Expats may find this insurance valuable, especially when dealing with unfamiliar legal systems. 

Why is it advised: Nearly half of German households have legal insurance. Germans know and defend their rights, and taking legal action to sort out a dispute is common practice in Germany. Get it to empower yourself to seek justice and defend yourself  if a legal case is brought against you.

Feather Insurances for Expats

Insurance is an important topic in Germany, which can come with a lot of uncertainty for expats who aren't familiar with the system or fluent in German. 

Fortunately, Feather understands this and is here to help. Feather offers simple, honest insurance policies, with sign up, contracts, claims and consultations all in English. Online applications take just a few minutes, and most policies are cancellable monthly, so you don't need to worry about being locked into a contract for years. Plus, the simple online website is complimented by a team of insurance experts who care, and offer free consultations for those who need personalised advice about their insurance needs.