Good standing certificate

Is there any way to apply online for good standing certificate from private health establishments as it is difficult to travel during this pandemic situation??

no need for you to attend < anyone can request the good standing for you

Hello, as currently employed expat dr in a private clinic, am I able to get a letter of Good standing independent of my employer? Or should my employer write a letter to MoH in order to get a letter of Good standing? Thank you.

Yes you can get it from SCHS on there website

What is SCHS?

Saudi council of health specialities every doctor must pass there exam before practsing in KSA and register with the I don't know maybe that only involves MOH workers/doctors

Thank you for your reply, my question was about getting letter of Good standing certificate in Oman?

Thanks but please can you give me directions on how to get a job as a physician with the Oman government for example direct me to any agents within Oman that recruits doctors