Finding a job in Oman during the pandemic

Hi everyone,

Looking for a job in Oman is not something you can take lightly, especially now. If you found a new job in Oman during the pandemic or if you are currently searching for one, we would like to know how it went.

How did you go about it? Which job board do you recommend? Did you use a headhunter?
In which sector did you find a job?

Did you train in order to find a new position? If so, which training course(s) did you follow and why?

What about your package? How does it compare with your previous jobs and are you satisfied with it?

What are the most important elements to prioritise or negotiate in a package for a job in Oman in 2021?

Thanks for your contribution!

Diksha, team

Hi Diksha,

During pandemic, most of employers are trying to get manpower within Oman instead of bringing them from abroad, facing all challenges.

Job search is mostly through local referral  and it is important to negotiate  Salary, benefits, vacations, medical and NOC e.t.c while negotiating with an employer in Oman.


Actually, I am not seeing so much opportunity in Oman ?
Warm Regards

Hi all, im considering an offer in oman.

I have concern on international school fees, seems like most schools are charging min 3500 omr per year per kid.

The company is offering only upto 1000omr per kid per year, is this a standard market rate? Or should i ask for higher?

Thank you


You should see other aspects of Job but i guess rate is good.
