Titre de séjour post-Brexit

Hi all,

I applied for the titre de séjour under the Brexit withdrawal agreement in November 2020 and had my convocation in February 2021 - I took original copies of my documents/photo and they took my fingerprints. I was told everything is in order and I will receive my carte de séjour with a validity of 5 years by registered post within 4-5 weeks. Wondering why I haven't received it yet, just yesterday, I received another email calling me for another convocation and it refers to « salarié détaché ICT » as the subject, which is completely different to the residency under the Brexit agreement, with different documentation requirements (that I can't fulfill) and a validity period of 3 years. I am totally confused why this has happened and I don't know what to do. Calling the Paris préfecture has not helped as the people on the phone do not seem to have access to the dossier and the specific details.

The other complication is that when I applied for the residency I was in France as an expat and since March my situation has changed and I am looking for a job in France. I am worried this would cause further delay in fixing the situation.

If anyone can offer any advice on this, I would very much appreciate it! Would there be any reason that I would not be eligible for the residency under the Brexit agreement even though I was residing in France before January 2021, albeit for less than 5 years?

Many thanks in advance!


Under withdrawal agreement you need income and speak French, so they are blocking you.

Its harsh because we both want to remain in Europe.

I called the Marseilles British Embassy Consulate.

If you return to UK you have no rights of benefits for 3 months

So, Boris is being a shit and Brexit is horrible for UK persons.

Also, they do not recognise UK qualifications.

I really had to fight my corner to get my Domicile hairdressing.Siret code

I hope tou succeed and good luck Louise