My Introduction into the group

Hello My Husband , myself and our dog moved here in December before the end of Brexit. We have moved into the Charante a rural part of France. To tell you the truth, we love it here but it is a battle sometimes with the legal side of  residency in France but slowly we are getting there. we have met some lovely people here.. (considering COVID) mainly at the shops. And we are becoming acquainted with our local village and the Marie in Londigny and the Town of Ruffec. We have a lovely staffie dog who unfortunately was diagnosed with Lymphoma just before we moved here, which was a great shock to us. but I know France will give her the best life possible, hoping she will make it to the summer months. we have registered her with a vets that is  close to us and they have been great.
We are at the moment still renovating our house and still have boxes to unpack, but thats the joy of being here.
thank you for the add. hopefully meet some more friends on here   . Sandra , Wayne and Molly

Well v good luck.  I confess I do not usually respond!
I feel we are honorary French citizens on account so much time spent on our boat around Brittany - happily berthed in Morlaix for the past 10 years.  So v welcome if you happen to be passing to call in.   Ask in the Port de Plaisance office where Ardeola is moored.
bon chance

Welcome to France !

Hello Sandylady.  My partner and I bought our new (forever) home in the Charente (Saint Angeau/Val de Bonnieure - about 30 minutes from you) in December but were only able to spend a few days there just before Christmas.  We had to return to organise the sale of our London flat and have got rather stuck due to conveyancing delays and, of course, Covid travel restrictions.  I have applied for residency online and had that acknowledged by email but am concerned that perhaps some official paperwork may be awaiting me at the house in France and I might miss an appointment at the Prefecture... does anybody think that likely or is the reality that it is going to take far longer?!  My partner is Irish so remains an EU citizen - lucky thing.  We are both retired but like to think of ourselves as still fit and fun (!) so are a tad frustrated that our new life is, of necessity, on hold.  Hopefully for not much longer.  Good luck to you and yours en France.  I can't wait to be back there with my fella and our two cats.

If there's anything we can do to help, let me know,  Sandra and Wayne x

Thank you

Thank you , that's lovely x

sandylady56 wrote:

If there's anything we can do to help, let me know,  Sandra and Wayne x

hello and welcome on our forum,

Hoping that you will find what you are looking for information on our forum. Have a look into our archive, I'm sure you will find some of the answers you're looking for.

Just use the lens beside your picture.

Thank you very much and will do x