Current Covid restrictions


I want to visit Malta in March to take a further in depth look, please could you tell me what the current restrictions are as regards to public transport, masks, restaurants, bars etc, I also want to use the visit as a break so restrictions on attractions would also be useful.



"current" restrictions will have no relation to what is going on in March, the situation changes often.

Masks everywhere in enclosed spaces, 2 meter distance recommended, Google/Apple model Covid tracing app recommended.

Word of warning, the EU have now said that they wish to have EU wide pandemic "restrictions"; it will probably take them a couple of years to agree what that should be, just be aware that there will be some kind of levelling activity until they get that sorted.

Keep in mind that if your 'in depth look' is with a view to moving here, then by that time you will have to apply as a TCN!
To apply for the new 10 year card as an EU citizen you have to have been resident here before 31st December, 2020 and then have up to the end of June 2021 to apply.