Places dogs can run free of leads

Hi folks we have 2 Spanish Water Dogs and are wondering  if anyone knows of woods or lakes even beaches where they could run free. We live in Mont Choisy but would travel to allow the dogs more freedom.


My best recommendation would be sugar cane fields, when there are no people working.

Beaches I won't recommend as the regulations can be blurry most of the times and they are always packed with people and you would want to avoid any biting or chasing incident.

Woods...possible but you will have to check with local regulations.
Some woods are closed to public while others are nature reserves and have people wandering about all the time.

Hello Yeti,

I would suggest you try the woods of Daruty. Do you know where it is? Since you are in mont choisy, it should be nearer for you.

Thank you will give it a go

Hello, I have a similar question about good places to walk and run dogs in the Black River area. Any ideas?