Temporary / Recruiting Agencies In Dublin

Hello All,

Does anyone have any experience with any of the temporary (¨temp¨) agencies or recruiting agencies in Dublin?  I am looking for employment in Dublin, and I wonder if anyone here has gone that route.



Well, since no one has yet replied to my post, I will.  I just got back from a one-week trip to Dublin, with my goal of visiting 3 recruitment agencies per day, every day, Monday through Friday.

What did I find out?  Before anyone in places like Adecco, Manpower, 3 Q´s, Approach People, etc. will even talk to you, you already have to have a work permit.  Their clients don´t sponsor or help potential employees get work permits.

So, I am left no better off than I was before I visited Ireland.  For Americans, it´s a catch 22:  You have to have a work permit before you can apply for a job through a recruiter, but you have to be offered a job before you can get a work permit.

Since temp agencies are not the route to go for help without a work permit, apparently only by applying directly to companies will you possibly find a company that is willing to sponsor you / work with you to get a work permit.

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

At the top of this forum is a sticky post called "Ireland - Work Permits"; had you read it, you may have saved yourself a trip.  This applies to all non-EU citizens except British passport holders.

Hope this helps.

Expat Team

Hi Cynic,

Thanks for your reply.

I definitely read the sticky above about Work Permits before planning my trip to Ireland.

At the bottom of your sticky, there is a sentence, ¨If you have any specific questions related to Work Permits in Ireland, please create a new thread in the forum below.¨

I created a thread, no one replied, so I went to Ireland to answer the question myself.

My trip was a success.  I had a great time, I ate a lot of good food, drank a lot of Guinness, saw all the tourist attractions in Dublin, met a lot of great people, and answered my own question if recruitment / temp agencies help with work permits.  The answer is no.  Now I know, and I am simply passing this information on to others.

Irish Stew

Irish Stew wrote:

Hi Cynic,

Thanks for your reply.

I definitely read the sticky above about Work Permits before planning my trip to Ireland.

......... and answered my own question "if recruitment / temp agencies help with work permits?".  The answer is no.  Now I know, and I am simply passing this information on to others.

Irish Stew

Hi again.

I thank you for clarifying this point for the benefit of future Expats contemplating the same journey as yourself.

Expat Team

There are a great deal of enrollment offices, you simply need to audit it

Thanks for doing all of that. Indeed, so far I have found much the same. It seems it's nearly impossible to immigrate there unless an employer foots the bill, and that's a big ask after having the world just spent a year proving we can work from anywhere. I could move myself there, no problem, but the longest I could stay would be three months without overstaying a tourist visa.

I came to this forum with the hope of finding answers and perhaps a way to make the dream happen but haven't come up with anything other than well-wishes on my endeavor (which are appreciated).

I really wish there was a recruiter who specialises in this sort of thing - if there is, I have yet to find them.