Restaurant tipping question...

Just curious...My son started his first summer job this weekend in a restaurant in Gozo.  For now he's just bussing tables. I know that people don't tip here as well as they would anywhere else in the world, but my son said there were no tips left at all the whole that normal?? The restaurant he's working at is a pretty good one so I don't think it's a reflection of the service. Do they tip better in Malta than they do in Gozo? I've always tipped at restaurants that serve you...I guess I now know why they always seem happy to see us.

Tipping in Malta is horrible....  Dont expect much unfortunately.  2-8 Euro per week mabey depending on the restraunt.


Tight or what, I always tip(unless there is a bad service) 3-10 Euro. Bet all the waiters are look forward to us arriving middle of month. jim n bev

locals are tight and many tourists simply dont tip when they are on vacation because they either dont know the ammount to leave in local currency or they simply dont seem to care.   I almost always leave at least 2 euro depending on service, but an 8 euro tip in Malta is Extraordinary.


Tips depend on the level of service and can be from 0 (bad ) to 5 or 10 % (exceptionally good service).If the bill gets to be very high you should consider a lesser percentage as tips of 8 or more euros are too much. Consider the Maltese salaries that are paid even to foreigners so make sure your tip is about 1/3 of what you would tip in the UK or Germany.

And let the change be given and then give the tip straight to the service provider or leave it on the table. Some restaurants have a glas or container for tips that are shared between the staff.


Ricky makes a good point, Also if you dont give the tip to teh waiter generally in malta it get's put into a general pool and divided amongst teh staff equally either weekly or monthly.

We noticed a service/gratuity added to some bills!!

sounds about right, most cases though that does not even go to the employee.

in my experience if there is a service charge - no tipping is required but you can if you wish too, but in this instance make sure it goes into that persons pocket as the service charge doesnt.

If service is good then 5% is acceptable i think - if its exceptional and you have a good time with the waiting staff then maybe 10% but this depends on your bill really - id adjust accordingly...wages for bars and restaurants here are not good and are usually minimum wage so tips are essential for these people to survive....our local has a jar and it gets split every night with the staff working that night.

Thanks for the info everyone...very helpful!!