Lycée Français in London

Good evening,

We will probably move to London next summer. I would like to enrol my 11 years old daughter at the Lycée français Charles de Gaulle, but I've heard that it is very difficult and that there are more requests than admissions. I'd be thankful if some of you could share their experience. Are there others French schools in London ?
Soaz :/ preoccupied Mom

hI!! In fact I am at the same situation. Nowadays I am looking for information about the same. Have you any experiencie to tell me?  What about your daugther? I 've a boy 14 years and next years we must move to London or Dublin. Currently we are in Spain


you can try the CFBL as well
College Francais Bilingue de Londres

le lycée est un tres bon lycée mais qui peut etre stressant
le CFBL est plus petit mais peut etre mois reconnu academiquement

si vous comptez rester plusieurs années, pourquoi ne pas considérer le systeme anglais?

bon courage