Is dating really ban here?

Is it really hard to date any girl or just male-female friends can't hangout here?

Depends on how u want to hangout ☺️

As i know that it's really strict to date here. A girl is scared to date me lol. She don't know where should she meet me.

When in Rome... do as Roman's do.
try dating a camel. no one will care

If you act like growing married people no one would care if you both in public . Make sure to show respect to others.
Kisses and hugs in public wouldn't be acceptable from locals. But when you are both alone , make sure to make her happy 😉


Haidermiz wrote:

As i know that it's really strict to date here. A girl is scared to date me lol. She don't know where should she meet me.

Punishments are very harsh so please stay within local law as meeting a girl could see you both in very serious trouble.

Ya true