How to make friends in Mexico

We have been talking about loneliness when you are abroad, let's now talk about how to make friends (locals and other expats) when you're living in Mexico :top:

Which are your best tips to meet people and to make friends in Mexico??

Thanks in advance for your participation

Depends upon whether you  are interested in meeting Mexicans or Gringos.  Best way to meet Mexicans is to study Spanish so that you can communicate, and then use it at every opportunity. Mexicans  are very forgiving of our mistakes and pleased when  we try. Or you can stay in a place where English is widely spoken and try to connect that way.

Best way to meet anyone anywhere is to be open, willing to make the first step, interested in what others do and think.  In the expat communities around Mexico (Lake Chapala, San MIguel Allende, etc.) there are various expat volunteer organizations such as art societies, photographic and computer clubs, etc. Join as many as you have time and interest in.  Ask questions, reach out to others.  Particularly good for meeting both Mexicans and Gringos is to join gringo organizations that support local charities such as food banks, battered women, orphanages, etc.  They are desperate for the help the response is very warm and welcoming.

Good luck!

One great way to meet both fellow Expats and Mexicans is the Mexpat meetups that happen once a month in D.F. and Guadalajara (they may also occur in Monterrey).  You can find more information at the Mexpat site.  The latest Guadalajara event was last night and was a lot of fun!