Moving to Gozo :)

Hello everyone :)

I'm Brazilian, half Italian, living in Scotland and moving to Gozo in the next July with my husband, my 9 years old daughter and our lovely dog Lola. We love the simple things of life, nature, music, dance, friends, and we are loving to live in Scotland, but we really miss the sun. So, next stop will be Gozo :-)

First we taught to move to Malta, but after some researches we are very determined about Gozo.
I have some doubts, about Gozo… If someone can help I will be really thankfully :)

- About the place, to us the important is to be in the catchment area of “ The Happy School” (because my daughter), and be front of the sea (because me and my husband ;) ) May this be possible?? Or only if we stay in the Victoria's area my daughter can go to that school?

- There are some places in Gozo when can I take my dog and let her run without her lead? something like the green parks in the UK?

- It's easy to make friends in Gozo? I think this is one of the most important things in the life, so, we really need be in a place where we can meet good people :-)

- I'm searching properties on web, but if someone have websites which could suggest I will appreciate it :-)

Other tips also will be welcome!

(really sorry my little English)

As mentioned several times on here before most of the properties advertised are not available you
really need to come over before July have a look round, there may not be too many to choose
from as a lot of the landlords rent them out as holiday lets especially in July.  Where will you be

thank you for the reply :-)

I really would like go before July but I'm afraid that is not going to be possible... but I will to try.

And yes, we work by computer, at home, so we won't need to find such a job there :-)

The only two places close to the sea are Marselforn and Xlendi, both are very touristy and noisey. You can see the sea from most villages but
there is no access.