About Zero Point in Islamabad?

I would like to know more about this part of Islamabad since I'm planning to spend some time around this area when I visit a friend. Thank you for whatever input you might give.

Zero point is the most prominent landmark in Islamabad. Lot of information is available on the google. Please let me know from what perspective you are seeking this information.

There are geographical , scenic , aspects. :)

Zero point does not carry a lot of character, it is simply a location and intersection of 2 roads.  There is not much to see there.

thank you...i have tried to google...but somehow what ive found wasnt exactly what ive been seeking... im basically interested from a geographical stand point of view... i gather that its an intersection of two points..but what of the surrounding areas? are there any other points of interest? and oh...this may sound stupid, but are there any residental areas surrounding it?

kindly go through Google Maps


You should get all the answers.