New member looking to migrate to Canberra

Hi everyone,

I'm Steve and I'm currently in the process of applying for ACT sponsorship.

I'm in the process of researching Canberra for my 'Why I want to live in Canberra' statement.

I work in the I.T. sector.

I'll have lots of questions for you guys who are or have gone through this process.

The first question I have is regarding the different suburbs of Canberra, peoples opinions on good and not so good areas.
Also, as I work in I.T. the best place to live so my commute to work will be minimum, guessing my best option for work is going to be city based.



Hello Steve, welcome to!

Don't hesitate to browse previous discussions for information.

Hope other members will be able to help you.


Hi Steve,

I'm not sure what you're used to, but to me it doesn't really matter where I live in Canberra, because compared to Chicago (where I grew up), it's not that big and I find the driving time not to be an issue. The only suburb that has come up repeatedly over the years to avoid is Charnwood on the northside, but again, there's no real massive economic blight (again, compared to depressed areas in metro Chicago) in the ACT as unemployment is pretty low. 

Also, in addition to the city, there's clusters of government offices in the center of Tuggeranong, Belconnen, and out by the airport, so you could be employed in any of those places as well.

Hope this helps a bit. Take care!

Thanks Arlette and Joe,


Thanks for your info, as you live in Canberra I may well have many more questions for you, if you don't mind that is.

Thanks again,


No worries.