Information in particular minimum amounts for requestion a visa

My mother and I would like information, in particular minimum amounts, for requestion a visa as pensionado or rentista. I have been looking for this information  on the Internet and have not found specific amounts.

Hi laura marina ruiz,

Welcome to :)

Please note that i have created a new thread for you on Lima Forum for better interaction.

Thank you


I have a retirement visa (rentista). It took some doing.  I started in the US at the Embassy of Peru with an agent. Note: Without an agent it's almost impossible to get all the document correct. Requirements, then, were you must have proof of income of no less than $1,500.00 per mouth. Documents from the Government for SS or a retirement payment from a company. Filing all the paperwork was about $70.00. When I arrived in Peru I went to immigration and filed all the paperwork from the US. It took a few return trips. Nothing is easy. It just takes time.

Charles  San Borja

Hi, this Luis Palacios from Peru, if you are interested in come to Peru, you dont need expend plenty money is very chip the expenses here, let me know what do you need exactly, I was living in Nassau too, and I could give you support, email me to LPALACIOSLGE@COMCAST.NET

Kind regards


I'm living in Peru now

Thank you