Renew carte de se jour

Hello everyone,
Would like to ask some help if it's possible. I've been for a while now with my carte de jour and wondering how many months should I start to renew my carte de se jour before it's expired and what do I need to take with me?
Thanks in advance

Hi there. I was told (at the OFII) to renew it 3 months BEFORE the expiration date. You need to go to your local  Prefecture and ask for an appointment as well as a list of documents required for the renewal.

Hi Mzjgen,
Thanks for giving me some information. Any idea about the list of the documents? Or I just have to bring everything with me :) .
By the way, may I ask what city do you live?
If it's possible, I would like to know you or other people in Nantes as I don't really know anyone here plus not speaking French much  ;)
Have a lovely evening

The requirements change often. So you really have to check with your local Préfecture. Check their official website too if it's possible for you to request an appointment via online. Most likely there is a list of documents required on their site.

I'm in Paris.

Good luck!

~ Jo

Merci beaucoup again , Paris eat tres loin de moi  :(
Maybe one day!