Thoughts on Lavapies & Atocha

I'm moving to madrid soon so i'm looking into neighborhoods; Lavapies and Atocha seem to have affordable flats but I don't know much about these hoods.  What are your thoughts? or other suggestions


I'm moving to Madrid next month and have just started investigating these neighbourhoods and flatshare hunting. I came across this link which was quite helpful to me:

Description of Neighbourhoods in Madrid -


Lavapies is a fun neighborood.  Just a dinner at a great Senegalese restaurant there last night.  Lavapies is one of the most traditionally Madrilanian neighborhoods in the city.  Today it has become the most culturally diverse neighborhood in the center of Madrid.  So, if that is your thing, by all means go for it. I think apts are too expensive there.  By Atocha, do you mean the Calle de Atocha or the area around the train station?  They are near each other but not exactly the same.  Lavapies is close by too.

Thanks for all your insight.  I'll be using Atocha Station quite a bit so I'm interested in the areas fairly close to keep my commute short.

That's good thinking.  Try the Pácifio area too.  That's the southern part of Retiro.  Decent prices and close to Atocha.

Good luck.