This week's local news at a glance

Expat news
  • Government House
    The Visual Explorer /
Published on 2021-06-10 at 07:00 by Veedushi
From the mismanagement of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign and the spike in the number of COVID-19 cases and final preparations for the Budget 2021-2022 presentation this Friday, June 11, let's catch up with this week's local news.

Budget 2021-2022: The Ministry of Finance in the limelight

Getting Mauritius out of the crisis will not be an easy task, but the Minister of Finance, Renganaden Padayachy, takes this as a challenge. After several weeks of discussions with the various parties concerned, the National Budget 2021-2022 will be presented this Friday to the National Assembly. This is going to be Minister Padayachy's second budget presentation amid the health and economic crises. Rising prices are the population's biggest fear for the moment, but the government seems to have other priorities, such as projects and structural reforms. The Mauritian economy contracted by 15% in 2020, but a 5% growth is expected this year in spite of the second lockdown in March.

COVID-19 vaccination campaign: Slow but mandatory

To date, more than 300,000 people have already received their first COVID-19 jab, while 214,009 have received both. Figures were announced earlier this week by the Minister of Health, Dr. Kailesh Jagutpal. The Mauritian government aims at vaccinating at least 40% of the population by the end of July and 60% by the end of September 2021. So COVID-19 vaccination has also become compulsory, except for people who can justify through a medical certificate issued by a public doctor that they cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons. From June 21, 2021, only people who have received at least one dose of the COVID- 19 vaccines will have access to educational establishments, including nurseries and daycares, as well as to health establishments. Anyone caught violating this new section of the Quarantine Act risks a fine of Rs 500,000 and up to 5 years of prison.

More than 200 active COVID-19 case since 3 weeks

The latest figures are alarming. In the past three weeks, more than 200 COVID-19 cases have been recorded across the island. Unlike the second wave in which most of the cases were reported in specific “clusters”, this time it seems to have spread across the island. Contact tracing exercises and screening tests are being performed in several regions. Still, the Mauritian government is not considering another lockdown. Moreover, Vallée Pitot will no longer be in the red zone from Friday, June 11, 2021.

New healthcare infrastructures in Cote d'Or

The Ministry of Health will soon be endowed with three new infrastructures in Cote d'Or so that it can centralise and further develop its activities. This project includes the construction of a new warehouse for the storage of drugs, equipment and medical materials; a national laboratory and a hospital offering Ayurvedic care. Upon completion of these three phases, the construction of an integrated national centre dedicated to blood transfusion will begin.

CWA: a new phone number for your complaints

If you are currently having water supply problems, don't panic! The Central Water Authority (CWA) has just announced a new telephone number: 5 500 0025. Since the usual hotline is usually busy with calls all day long, this new phone number aims at getting these issues solved more rapidly.

Rise in the price of beef

If you're fond of beef, here's some bad news. Fresh beef currently costs Rs 250 per half a kilo. Previously, the price of fresh beef was Rs 225 for half a kilo. But that's not all! An 8% to 10% rise in the price of frozen beef has also been recorded in the past two months. Note that the prices of frozen meat vary according to the origin, that is to say, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. So in hypermarkets, frozen beef currently costs around Rs 410 per kilo.

Recycling of electronic devices will soon be a reality in Mauritius

If you're an environmental-conscious expat, here's something to rejoice about! The recovery and recycling of electronic devices will very soon be a reality in Mauritius. This was announced this week by Environment Minister for Solid Waste Management and Climate Change, Kavi Ramano. This initiative, which should result from public-private negotiations, aim at eliminating electronic waste in nature.