How to meet people in this period of easing of lockdown?

Expat news
Published on 2021-05-13 at 13:59
The pandemic is not an ideal time to settle in Mauritius. No open bars, no group activities and no beach trips. But if you've just arrived in Mauritius and are feeling down, here are some tips on making new friends.

Go out for a jog

Maybe you're more of a gym person, or sports just isn't your thing. But if you want to meet people, put on your sneakers, bring a bottle of water and don't forget your guts. Go out for a jog or just for a walk in your locality. Not only will this clear your mind after a day's work, but you will learn to navigate your area and… meet people. Do not hesitate to approach other joggers or other people. Trust your instincts, if someone seems approachable to you, approach them and talk to them. Explain to him that you have just arrived and that you do not know anyone yet. In addition, jogging is good for the body and the morale.

Make friends at work

If you've just started working on the island, whether you're in the office or telecommuting, feel free to turn those connections into friendship. To do this, you will have to be somewhat daring. Ask a person you often meet and appreciate if they want to get to hang out, invite them over for a drink or a lunch or even for an online hangout.

Find a language buddy

Why not kill two birds with one stone and find a language buddy. The concept is simple, it is a person with whom you can converse in a foreign language to consolidate your knowledge. If you've just arrived, you might want to learn French or Creole, for example. Or maybe you're learning a whole other language. Either way, you can search social media for groups of language enthusiasts or post on forums.

Online dating apps

So maybe you're not looking for everlasting love, but dating apps can also be used to make friends. The most used dating app in Mauritius is Tinder. Take the plunge! Create an account and don't forget to mention in your description that you are only looking for friends. You never know what you can find.

Online forums

If you're not comfortable with dating apps, there are also online forums and groups. For example, there are several groups on Facebook dedicated to expats where you could meet people. There are even groups depending on the region where you live. Please feel free to post a short message asking if other people would be willing to meet and be friends. Also, remember to mention your interests so that you can already catch the attention of like-minded people. If you have a dog, consider asking if other people with pets would like to go for a walk with you. If you like jogging, ask for a jogging buddy. Consider giving the forums a try.