Ban on vaping and other news

Hey guys !

How have you been?

I thought this was an interesting and practical info to share : vaping is banned in public spaces since the 31st of May. You can still enter the territory with your e-cigarette and refills but you will not be able to buy one or refills (whether nicotine or nicotine-free) on the island.

We've also heard of other tobacco related restrictions but could not confirm through an official source. We'll let you know.

Don't forget, the ministry of Finance is presenting his budget and economic strategy for the financial year 2023/2024 this afternoon. Don't worry, we're planning to update this thread to share the most important budget measures with you.

Have a great day!

Hello Anne-Lise Mty,

Unfortunately you are wrong :(

Vaping under scrutiny, since May 31st, all electronic cigarettes, including both the liquid and the device, are prohibited. Importing or carrying them during travel is also forbidden. Customs authorities have been notified, and penalties will be enforced. The same penalties apply, with fines ranging from Rs 5,000 to Rs 10,000 and imprisonment for up to one year.

And concerning tobacco, there's much and more restriction, we can say that in almost places you wont be allowed to smoke. from my point of view, the only place that you can smoke its at home :(

I have also read that Regulation 4 of the principal regulations has been amended. In paragraph (1)(i), subparagraph (a), "cigarettes other than those to be sold in the duty-free shops at the SSR International Airport and port (international departure only) and the duty-free shop at Plaine Corail Airport (international departure only)."

Which means that you won't find cigarettes upon arrival, nor will you be able to import them from the country you are coming from.



Hello Sky,

Thank you for confirming this. Can you share the relevant regulation about cigarettes? The last amendment on the Public Health (Restrictions on Tobacco) Act dates back to 2022 and we can't find the relevant information from official sources.

Have a good afternoon,


Re Hello Anne-Lise, This law was already gazetted in 2022 but has not yet been put into practice. It is only now that they are implementing these laws.Here you are THE PUBLIC HEALTH ACTCheers,Sky

Hello Sky,

I'm confused though as it does not mention restrictions on where one can or cannot smoke, for example. Or info on vaping.

Thank you though Sky !

You cannot bring or buy cigarettes at the international airport incoming to Mauritius, for PRIVATE consumption?

That is not only ridiculous, but way overstepping the power the government takes from the people.

And, not smoking or vaping in public places like on the street is prohibited? So who does the "public space" belong to, if not to the public/people?

Besides, businesses such as restaurants with open space and bars and coffee shops with open space will suffer. They should be the first to complain to the government.

Is this for real? It will definitely hurt tourism and make people think twice regarding relocation.

So can I bring my disposable vape going to Mauritius?

I've travelled with my disposable vape before and it was allowed. So is it the same when I go to Mauritius?

There seems to be a great deal of uncertainty around this subject, can anyone verify the facts and offer reference to enacted law please.

Are you able to bring in 1 vape pen with liquid for personal use?

All's good on my end, cheers for asking. Totally get the vape ban thing. Last time I flew out to a place with a fresh ban, I ended up giving half my stash away at the airport rather than toss it. Talk about a bummer.


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