
Regarding provisional pass certifictae

Venkatesh Kode

Hi I am doctor .I am currently staying in oman.i have finished my dnb radiology from I have cleared my dnb radiology ,the NBE board has not yet release the final degree certificate.THey have given the provisional pass certiticate which they mentioned it is valid for all the purposes till the time the final degree is I am looking for job in oman will they accept my provisional pass certificate. I got it apossile by Ministry of external affairs
Can some one please update me if any thing needs to be done

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Hi, I am a doctor working in muscat. As far as I know, you need to clear prometric exams and get your degree/ educational certificates verified by dataflow . Than only you will be eligible for job in oman. Weather your provisional degree is valid or not, will be decided by dataflow itself. So, first finish that step. And usually, for indian MD/DNB, you need to have 3 years experience post degree before applying for specialist doctor post in govt. hope, this will help. Regards.