Aufenthaltskarte vs. national ID


My American wife has an aufenthaltskarte and we are traveling right now actually. She only brought her aufenthaltskarte and the ferry operator claimed that she could not enter Germany with that, she would need a passport as well... Is the aufenthaltskarte not an ID card? And if so, how could she get a real EU national ID card for travels?

HawkLane wrote:


My American wife has an aufenthaltskarte and we are traveling right now actually. She only brought her aufenthaltskarte and the ferry operator claimed that she could not enter Germany with that, she would need a passport as well... Is the aufenthaltskarte not an ID card? And if so, how could she get a real EU national ID card for travels?

An Aufenthaltskarte is documentary evidence of her immigration status. She needs her passport for traveling.

She can get an EU national ID card only by naturalizing as a citizen of an EU country.

Germany does not offer ID documents to foreign nationals, as a rule. Her ID is the passport, nothing else.

For international travel she needs a passport. The Aufenhaltskarte is accepted internally to show one has permission to be here but not to specifically enter the country as a travel document. She should be carrying both to enter Schengen.