Looking for a job in Tunisia

I want to marry someone in Tunisia then I need a job I am an IT engineer

This forum is not a marriage agency or a recruitment site.

Who are you and what are you doing here

To marry someone from Tunisia go online and check out dating sites
For work, go online and check out jobs in Tunisia.

If you go to "Discover" at the top of this page you can open the Tunisia Guide for lots of information too.

As to who I am and what am I doing here.
I have been a member and expert on this forum for a number of years and so am familiar with the running of this forum.
I have posted here on this forum 15,377 times more than you.

I repeat what I stated before. This forum is not a marriage agency or a recruitment site.

Same here, so interested to hear about your experience.

(Clarification: Looking for work as Computer Science teacher near Tunis, not looking for a husband ;-)