
Daily Covid 19 cases increasing in Cyprus.

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I see there were 621 new cases of Covid 19 reported yesterday in Cyprus, which is very high and has been increasing steadily recently. Despite the roll out of vaccines this is a worrying situation, yet when I look in the Newspapers eg cyprus mail and others it doesn't  feature to much as a headline issue.

My wife listens to the Cypriot radio news and she tells me, but when I try to find out for myself its difficult to get the daily numbers for Cyprus, after a lot of googling I eventually found it on the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) website, and even their I had to do a lot of drilling down to get the daily numbers.

Are the Cypriot media asleep at the wheel, or is it just me, looking in the wrong places for this very basic daily update.

While I find very good for general news updates, I think they are sluggish on this matter. Any suggestions for a handy way of keeping up to date would be most welcome.


See also

The healthcare system in CyprusPreventive care in CyprusIquiry regarding health issuemedical insurance queryGESY HEALTH COVER

Sadly the cases are quite high still around Europe. Here in Austria, they are between 2000 and 3000 daily cases.


Hi Jake

Look at the WHO site:



Actually 822 cases yesterday Jake and 852 the day before

Cyprus mail post it every single evening so it’s not a press blackout and definitely not slow at publishing  and they print post it every day /evening I read it every day online and repost it in my Facebook timeline every single evening


Thanks guys.. My bad.. I need to open my eyes and focus more.. Still these high numbers are disappointing.. At the start of the pandemic over a year ago, i thought Cyprus were doing really well compared to other EU countries as the numbers were low and i think they were one of the first countries to bring in quarantine for incoming passengers. I know mainland europe is getting it bad now but its worrying to see these high levels of new cases in Cyprus which as an island should be able to control it better.

Thanks again, i know now where to get the information.


In my opinion and according to a ministers comments recently published

HERE IS WHY                                                                     
"According to Ioannou, in recent weeks there has been very low compliance of people with the measures while the tracing process shows that contacts of confirmed coronavirus cases do not self-isolate. He also said that in many cases, employers conceal coronavirus cases among their staff"

We need to get everyone into the vaccination program but many including doctors nurses and the younger 18 -30 years olds aren’t interested and are doing whatever they want . THATS DISAPPOINTING

Sadly this will majorly impact on tourism for Cyprus and our economy


941 cases today


I couldn't agree with you more Toon, i see my Cypriot neighbours and people in the general area carrying on as if things are normal, visiting each others houses, mixing, not wearing masks and generally being totally dismissive of the public health advice.

Its a terrible shame and not a bit surprising that the numbers are going up. People need to kop on.


Sadly they aren’t kopping on and show no signs of doing so .... Cyprus  will suffer heavily for their actions and then they will complain bitterly


927 last night - hospitalizations now sitting at 296 and that is the real problem...

Further meeting today to discuss actions - NB a further two week lockdown is still on the table


A bit of good news the authorities have announced that they will now allow covid19 vaccinations to be done at local clinics -

pity they didnt tell the clinics first though to allow them time to plan and prepare a process for it...


Bad news now  but comes as no surprise to me at all.....

Easter lockdown starts 26th April to 9th May inclusive
10th May all being well we shall revert to the protocols that exist now.
The cabinet decided on Friday to impose a lockdown between April 26 and May 9 in a bid to stem the rising numbers of infections and protect the health system.

Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou said a 9pm to 5am curfew will be imposed, as well as a ban of all gatherings anywhere.

The operation of hospitality venues, theatres, gyms, and shops will be suspended, as will barbers, hairdressers and beauticians. Restaurants can only offer takeaway and delivery.

People would only be allowed one outing a day after sending an SMS.

Church services will be held without worshippers except Easter Saturday and only outside.

Measures will be lifted on May 10 but negative tests will be needed to visit certain venues if a person is not  vaccinated.

The decision was taken during a long and reportedly fractious meeting of the Council of Ministers which Thursday had failed to agree on whether current measures should be extended, relaxed or tightened.

Physical presence is offices is to be reduced to 20 per cent of staff and half the staff will be required to do a weekly test, up from 20 per cent.

On May 10 Cyprus should be reverting to what is in force now. Ioannou called “strict measures for a short period of time in order to give a chance for additional vaccinations and take pressure off the hospitals”.

source … -update-1/


clarification issued late yesterday

The health ministry on Friday released a list of clarifications following the new lockdown announced earlier in the day.

According to the ministry, private and public nurseries and kindergartens must suspend operations. Special schools may continue operations based on instructions to be issued by the labour ministry.
Social gatherings are banned, including lunch and dinner parties in homes for weddings and christenings.
An exception was made for Easter Sunday (May 2) where members of up to two families may gather in homes given that they do not exceed 10 people, including minors. The one SMS restriction applies also for Easter Sunday.
Just for the Easter long weekend, between April 29 and May 3, people may travel to another property they own in another district, such as their holiday home. They must send an SMS choosing category 8.
During the lockdown, the presence in homes of other people than those permanently residing there is allowed for carers of children and people with disabilities, for the period the parents/guardians are at work.
The same applies for those who help people who are unable to take care of themselves and professionals such as electricians, plumbers, domestic workers, gardeners, painters, physiotherapists, speech therapists, nurses etc.
Gatherings in public spaces such as public squares, parks, picnic sites, dams, marinas, beaches, pedestrian areas are banned. Access is only allowed in parks, linear parks and beaches solely for exercise, provided not more than two people go there and within a reasonable period of time. For example, a karate athlete can train at the beach or a park, but only with his or her trainer. The same applies for exercise at the beach or a park with or without equipment such as TRX, step, fit ball, weightlifting.
Swimming at sea is allowed but within the time limit allowed after sending an SMS and given that not more than two people can be together.
The following business must suspend operations: hairdressers, barber shops, beauty and tattoo parlours, theatres, cinemas, open-air amphitheatres, bars, cafes, restaurants, entertainment venues, malls, department stores, playgrounds, theme parks, luna parks, paintball and go-karts venues, archaeological sites, museums, zoos, natural habitats, betting shops, casinos, driving schools, gyms, dance and other such schools, and car dealerships. In the case of car dealerships, their garage section can remain open for car services as well as car repair shops and other related businesses, including those offering MOT services.
As regards retail, businesses selling essential items such as pharmacies, supermarkets, mini-markets, fruit-and-vegetable markets, bakeries, fish markets and butcher shops, can remain open. Some businesses such as petrol stations, cleaners, nurseries and flower shops and businesses selling medical equipment, may also remain open.
Shops selling items related with the construction sector may only serve professionals such as plumbers, electricians and builders. They are not allowed to serve the wider public. The rest of retail businesses can only operate online. This includes businesses selling clothes, shoes, cosmetics, electrical appliances, and toys.
Pharmacies, supermarkets, grocery shops, mini markets, fish-markets, and butcher shops may only serve people over 65 and people with disabilities until 9am.
Open-air street markets that sell foodstuff may operate with 50 per cent of their capacity. Street vendors selling food and beverage such as sandwich canteens, ice cream trucks and sellers of fruit and vegetable can continue operations as long as they have a permit from the competent local authority. They can offer take-away and delivery services but not serve seated customers.

More clarifications concerning measures announced for after May 10, are expected to be issued at a later stage.  The ministry is planning to seek proof of Covid recovery, vaccination or testing, a sort of ‘freedom pass’ when it comes to visiting venues and shops but it has not yet clarified whether supermarkets will be included in this.

source … n-diktats/


Further clarifications issued this morning

Source … n-diktats/

The health ministry on Friday released a list of clarifications following the new lockdown announced earlier in the day.

According to the ministry, private and public nurseries and kindergartens must suspend operations. Special schools may continue operations based on instructions to be issued by the labour ministry.
Social gatherings are banned, including lunch and dinner parties in homes for weddings and christenings.
An exception was made for Easter Sunday (May 2) where members of up to two families may gather in homes given that they do not exceed 10 people, including minors. The one SMS restriction applies also for Easter Sunday.
Just for the Easter long weekend, between April 29 and May 3, people may travel to another property they own in another district, such as their holiday home. They must send an SMS choosing category 8.
During the lockdown, the presence in homes of other people than those permanently residing there is allowed for carers of children and people with disabilities, for the period the parents/guardians are at work.
The same applies for those who help people who are unable to take care of themselves and professionals such as electricians, plumbers, domestic workers, gardeners, painters, physiotherapists, speech therapists, nurses etc.
Gatherings in public spaces such as public squares, parks, picnic sites, dams, marinas, beaches, pedestrian areas are banned. Access is only allowed in parks, linear parks and beaches solely for exercise, provided not more than two people go there and within a reasonable period of time. For example, a karate athlete can train at the beach or a park, but only with his or her trainer. The same applies for exercise at the beach or a park with or without equipment such as TRX, step, fit ball, weightlifting.
Swimming at sea is allowed but within the time limit allowed after sending an SMS and given that not more than two people can be together.
The following business must suspend operations: hairdressers, barber shops, beauty and tattoo parlours, theatres, cinemas, open-air amphitheatres, bars, cafes, restaurants, entertainment venues, malls, department stores, playgrounds, theme parks, luna parks, paintball and go-karts venues, archaeological sites, museums, zoos, natural habitats, betting shops, casinos, driving schools, gyms, dance and other such schools, and car dealerships. In the case of car dealerships, their garage section can remain open for car services as well as car repair shops and other related businesses, including those offering MOT services.
As regards retail, businesses selling essential items such as pharmacies, supermarkets, mini-markets, fruit-and-vegetable markets, bakeries, fish markets and butcher shops, can remain open. Some businesses such as petrol stations, cleaners, nurseries and flower shops and businesses selling medical equipment, may also remain open.
Shops selling items related with the construction sector may only serve professionals such as plumbers, electricians and builders. They are not allowed to serve the wider public. The rest of retail businesses can only operate online. This includes businesses selling clothes, shoes, cosmetics, electrical appliances, and toys.
Pharmacies, supermarkets, grocery shops, mini markets, fish-markets, and butcher shops may only serve people over 65 and people with disabilities until 9am.
Open-air street markets that sell foodstuff may operate with 50 per cent of their capacity. Street vendors selling food and beverage such as sandwich canteens, ice cream trucks and sellers of fruit and vegetable can continue operations as long as they have a permit from the competent local authority. They can offer take-away and delivery services but not serve seated customers.

More clarifications concerning measures announced for after May 10, are expected to be issued at a later stage.  The ministry is planning to seek proof of Covid recovery, vaccination or testing, a sort of ‘freedom pass’ when it comes to visiting venues and shops but it has not yet clarified whether supermarkets will be included in this.


Yes im definitely not surprised by these new restrictions, hopefully the people will abide by these rules, and get the numbers back down. I think its the right decision to save lives.


I hope they do but am not holding my breath


This doesn't help much... :( … ab-survey/


It certainly doesn’t and if that is the case it is likely that Cyprus will not achieve herd immunity by vaccination by the summer

The numbers include doctors and nurses refusing to take the vaccination


Even more shocking then...


Maybe they know more than we do?


Yes and that makes them even more stupid and dangerous


611 today still 300 in hospital


Some would say that vaccine takers are stupid. It's strange that doctors and nurses are refusing the vaccine! They know more about patient's side-effects than anyone.


Some doctors walk about not observing the protocols in private life whilst pushing the message of following the protocols in their professional life


@carvinblue Don't you mean only idiots would say that?


845 yesterday but the hospitalizations are going down


Some thorough investigation from the internet is required to get numbers of adverse effects and deaths from covid vaccines in UK, but it is all out there. In the region of 1000 deaths and 800,000 adverse reactions. Adverse reactions do include people going blind and being paralysed, as well as blood clots.


@carvinblue.... in my experience, thorough Internet investigation is very rarely accurate. In fact it can be misleading.


These were uk government figures from yellow card reporting.


Then link to the information rather than just appearing to be scaremongering and coming across as anti-vaccinations otherwise you are adding to the problem

Also what alternative can you suggest other than vaccination?




You might be better employed to examine the evidence of the medical experts rather than what "some guy said on the internet".

The fact is that you are more likely to be struck by lightening than get a blood clot from the vaccine. I don't personally know anyone who has ever been struck by lightening and I've been around for a long time.


Only 58 cases yesterday but then you have to know that there was only a  little over 6000 tests completed as the usual rapid test program was suspended for the easter break.. the usual level of testing is between 50,000-60,000 per day...

so lets keep our fingers crossed for better results going forward


481 cases 7 deaths ( total so far 321) and 276 hospitalized as at yesterday but only 32399 tested


509 today and 5 deaths (326 to date) with 263 hospitalized



Moderated by Priscilla 3 years ago
Reason : unfounded information

It’s your opinion...and you are entitled to that.

I will take the advice of experts in their field and I will take my chances with the vaccine.


Where are your links to backup your ridiculous claims about all deaths being classed as due to covid?



562 cases today a lockdown gets lifted from 10th sms messaging ceases although curfew remains 11pm-5am and a corona pass has been announced for access to venues

Toon … down-ends/

The cabinet on Wednesday night decided to reopen most closed businesses and to introduce a so-called Coronapass for people to be allowed into hospitality venues, churches, gyms, shops and other places starting Monday, while keeping an overnight curfew.

A Coronapass entails either having a 72-hour-old negative PCR/rapid test for Covid or having received at least one dose of a vaccine three weeks earlier or having contracted the virus in the past six months.

A curfew will remain in force between 11pm and 5am with the following exceptions: travelling to and from work; visiting a medical centre or hospital or pharmacy or vet for an emergency; no need to send a text for permission before going out.

Schools will reopen with physical presence with pupils having to submit to a weekly rapid antigen test.

Gymnasium, lyceum, and certain primary school years would have to present a 72-hour-old test on the first day, May 10.

Gatherings in public areas like parks, squares, beaches are allowed, provided they do not exceed 10 people, including minors.

Going to a place of worship would need a Coronapass. Until May 16, only a maximum 50 people will be allowed inside. From May 17, places of worship can let in 30 per cent of their capacity, provided they present a Coronapass.

From June 1, the permitted number will rise to 50 per cent of capacity.

Until May 16, lunches, dinners and other wedding or christening events can only accommodate a maximum number of 10 people including minors.

From May 17 onwards, such events will only be allowed outdoors with up to 200 seated guests who must present a Coronapass. Cocktail parties are banned.

From June 1, events will be permitted indoors with a Coronapass.

Church weddings, christenings and funerals can only be attended by a maximum 10 people until May 16. From May 17, the maximum number of people will be 200, provided they make up no more than 30 per cent of the venue’s capacity. A Coronapass is required.

Visiting others in hospitals will be allowed with the permission of the director and a negative PCR test up to 48-hours old.

Hospitality venues’ outdoor areas will reopen with patrons presenting a Coronapass. From June 1, they can reopen indoor areas.

Outdoor and indoor theatres and cinemas can reopen for people with a Coronapass and a maximum number of 50 people until May 17.

After that, they can allow 30 per cent of their capacity indoors and 50 per cent outside with a Coronapass. That number will increase to 50 per cent on June 1.

Municipal markets will operate at a 50 per cent capacity and physical distancing without a Coronapass.

Mass gatherings, protests, parades, concerts, outdoor fairs, and festivals in public and private areas are banned.

Malls and shops can reopen provided their customers present a Coronapass to enter. Large shops must also observe physical distancing rules, allowing in one person per 10 square metres.

Beauticians and hairdressers can operate without a pass.

Gyms, dance schools and other similar places can operate under previous protocols and their clients having a Coronapass.

Betting shops can resume operations with customers seated outdoors and no Coronapasses needed.

Casinos will remain shut until May 16. From May 17 onwards, they will operate on 30 per cent capacity until June 1, when it can rise to 50 per cent. Visitors must have a Coronapass.

Swimming pools will resume operations for training purposes. Beaches will reopen with the same health and safety protocols as last year and no need to present a Coronapass.

Picnic areas, reservoirs and zoos can be visited without a pass.

Group tuition, sports and social activities involving children under 18 is allowed based on previous protocols – six plus one. Indoor extracurricular activities will necessitate a 72-hour negative test. For outdoors activities, participants will have to submit to a weekly test.

Nightclubs, and other similar venues will remain closed.

Play areas, amusement and theme parks will also remain closed until May 16. From May 17 onwards, they can resume operations outdoors, without social events like birthdays.

Conferences and trade exhibitions are prohibited until May 16. They can resume from May 17 onwards provided they only allow in 30 per cent of venue’s capacity, 50 per cent from June 1. Attendees will have to present a Coronapass.

Visits to carehomes and other similar facilities will be allowed provided visitors present a pass.

Camping areas will remain closed. Hotel stays will be allowed as of May 10 with a pass.

Election gatherings are allowed provided the venue’s capacity is observed and attendees remain seated. Cocktail events are prohibited and a pass is needed.

Civil service staff will continue to work from home until May 16 wherever applicable. From May 17 a physical presence of up to 50 per cent should be ensured if possible.

Private businesses will continue to work with 30 per cent of their staff present with the maximum number being 50 per building and the minimum five. From May 17, 50 per cent of staff can be physically present.

Concerning the May 15 football cup final, the cabinet said fans can attend but only up to 15 per cent of the stadium’s capacity. A pass will be required.


Update on Corona Pass.....

The requirement of a special pass to enter malls, churches and restaurants is a temporary one to ensure a smooth transition into the next phase of less restrictive measures, Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou said on Thursday.

The minister said that the return “to more normal conditions” must be done safely and carefully. For this reason, he said, not all restrictions can be completely removed at this stage, but they are adapting to the data of the current period.

“The de-escalation of measures will be gradual and depending on the epidemiological picture as it evolves,” he added.

Ioannou also said that in order to achieve the best possible harmonisation with the relaxation of measures, it was decided to lift the obligation for people to send a text message in order to leave the house.

He added that to ensure more safety during people’s presence in specific areas where crowds gather such as shopping malls, restaurants, churches, along with the use of a mask and the observance of other personal protection measures, it was decided that people need to:

To have been vaccinated with at least the first dose at least three weeks earlier or

To have been infected by Covid-19 in the past six months

If one of the two above measures does not apply, and as a temporary solution and until vaccination coverage progresses further people aged over 12 should present a negative PCR or rapid test, with a validity of 72 hours, he said.

“This measure is temporary and will be applied for a transitional period in order to ensure that our travels and social contacts are made as safe as possible for our health and for public health,” Ioannou said. The goal, he said, is to achieve the desired immunity through vaccinations.

More specific information will be provided later in the day, he said.

He also clarified that the responsibility for the control of possession of proof is not the responsibility of the businesses but of police and officials of competent ministries and departments depending on their areas of responsibility.

The cabinet on Wednesday night decided, from Monday, to lift the obligation of sending an SMS before going out, to reopen most closed businesses and to introduce a so-called Covid pass for people to be allowed into hospitality venues, churches, gyms, shops and other places.

The overnight curfew, between 11pm and 5am will remain in place.

Ioannou said that an application will be introduced for obtaining a digital Covid pass but more information would be given by the deputy ministry for innovation. The pass was originally being referred to in ministry announcements as a ‘coronapass’. However, CoronaPass is a trademarked app developed by Microsoft and specifically refers to a digital-only system.

A digital pass is not expected to be implemented right away in Cyprus and people will likely have to present paper evidence of test, vaccine or proof of past illness when the measure starts from Monday, and until a digital version is available.

Clarifications on the measures such as for which shops a pass will be required, will be announced very soon, he said.

The easing of restrictions was also aimed at lifting people’s spirits, the minister said. He added that lockdowns are not the only solution. “We cannot keep society and the economy closed for ever,” he added, arguing that the solution of the problem lies with each individual and cooperation by everyone.

As regards the glitch that rendered the vaccination portal out of service on Thursday, Ioannou expressed hope that would be resolved and the portal would be up and running soon. He added that the vaccination programme continues. “We hope that within the next two weeks we will reach the 45 per cent (of the population).”

Head of the advisory committee on coronavirus Constantinos Tsioutis, said, this was a crucial period and called for cooperation by everyone. He said it was not easy to foretell when the pandemic would be over and called on people to keep in mind that to observe all measures.

“Only collectively as a community we can get out of this situation,” Dr Constantinos Phellas, advisor of the health ministry on psychology and sociology, said.

SOURCE … ster-says/

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