What struck you about Egypt?

Hello everybody,

When you first settled in Egypt, you might have been struck by cultural aspects of life in Egypt and you might even have anecdotes about your integration here.
We would like you to share with expats-to-be what you discovered once you arrived in Egypt: customs, traditions, interesting or fun facts etc.

What were the things that surprised you the most after your arrival?

Are there any practices that are particularly out of step with your culture of origin? If so, what are they?

What do you think about them?

Did you get used to these and adopt some of these traditions or norms?

Do you think you would take some of the customs of Egypt with you if you were to return to your home country or move to another country?

Thank you!

Expat.com team

Sadly it wasn't on arrival it's since the pandemic I have seen total lack of personal hygiene, i.e never washing hands after using the bathroom or before eating.
In the area I am in there is a total denial of Covid and very little mask wearing.
Rubbish strewn along the streets in the rivers has always saddened and shocked me.
Very different to all the other areas of Egypt I have lived in which were were tourist areas admitted.