Renew driver's license in US from Brazil

I need to get an eye test done for US driver's license renewal. Can I use the person in an eyeglass store, since I already need to have a checkup for new glasses? Or, is there a special, auth prof to be accepted? Looking forward to your replies.

Brazilian law requires an ophthalmologist´s prescription to buy new glasses. An optometrist is a 5-year bachelor´s degree in Brazil and they can also examine you for visual acuity. But to have the prescription, you need a doctor with a specialty in ophthalmology and an optometrist cannot prescribe or maintain a clinic in Brazil.

"Precisa de receita para comprar óculos de grau?
Nova lei impede compra de óculos de grau sem receita. De acordo com decreto federal de 1934, somente aos médicos cabe a tarefa de indicar o uso de lentes corretivas mediante exame de acuidade visual. ... Para seu perfeito diagnóstico é necessária a realização de exames médicos especializados e acompanhamento contínuo."


Contact your state's DMV to ask what documentation they'll accept.  Every state is different,  and since most do the eye exam onsite, whether and how they accept mail-in results will differ.

If you mean the eye test to request a Brazilian license based on your US license, DETRAN will refer you to the clinic where they want you tested.

Appreciate your answer, Abthree, will follow your advice & contact NY. Tem bom dia!!

You need an eye doctor who can fill out the DMV eye test card/form in English. The snellon eye test is the same here. Just mail in fee and application copy of license and eye form.

I presume you have done this before and the forms for the application and the eye test can be downloaded online at a DMV site...

Yes, or have the original renewal app received at your house in the states mailed to you.