Expat Guided Tours?

Hello! My husband and I are from the US and are planning our first trip to Portugal (Porto) soon to investigate the possibility of  retiring in there. Our son suggested we ask around to see if any expats do guided tours of the city which sounded like a great way to get some helpful information from someone who lives the life firsthand. Does anyone have any idea how we could find an expat tour guide?

I am hoping to bump this topic seeing how incredibly popular it is!!

https://luxonw.com/tours/?gclid=Cj0KCQi … fFEALw_wcBhttps://expatexplore.com/tours/highligh … -portugal/

But tours tend to be for tourists, not for potential expats. What you really need to do is google like mad until you know enough about the country to get an idea of what you could be facing, then plan a trip without tour guides, just google maps.

Good point, Fred—I hadn't looked at it that way.
I guess I was thinking that if I was an expat that maybe guiding tours would be a way to provide a revenue stream

Oh, and I almost forgot!  Thank you for the links!

MmmBeeer wrote:

I was thinking that if I was an expat that maybe guiding tours would be a way to provide a revenue stream

Not a bad idea if foreigners are legally allowed to work in that way over there.  There's good money in tourism, if you can do it legally.

I'm here to learn so I really appreciate your input—thank you!

hi, are you in Oporto yet?
I know down in Algarve there are guided walks in countryside by expats and all participates are expats paying a small fee to the guide. a way to meet others as well.
look for local expats newsletter. good luck.

Yes, there are guided expat tours, also called orientation tours, scouting trips, etc.

I've been doing these since 2015, and have helped more than a hundred people settle in Portugal. You can message me for more information.

Not yet—but we will be there in less than a month. Thank you, Helen! This is very helpful; I will look into it!

Thank you, gailatlarge! I recently had a death in the family and only noticed these replies to my post by accident. I will message you when I get a little more time. Thanks so much for your helpful response!