
What the process of buying a property in bahrain .which visa to come to buy a property.

Don't be lazy and search the forum next time.  This topic is a sticky.

Thank but I thought I need business visa for it that why I asked .dont need to be rude.


1) You asked a question which has been answered dozens of times by myself and I also put a sticky with a lot of detail on it - literally step by step
2) You asked a one line question without giving any details - on the visa part

All of the above comes across as being lazy as the information is right there - like right there on the first page of the forum. Asking again without making an effort and doing it as a one liner with no niceties, also comes across as disrespectful to the people who put in the effort to put that information there for everyone. That is what I pointed out. It's a fact not rudeness.

And you are buying a property as an individual. They won't give you a business visa for that. You need to come in whatever visa you are eligible for, get the property and do the process for the permanent visa. When approved, they will issue investor visa for you to come in and get the self sponsorship visa stamped.

Thank you for your help .I am sorry if it seem I am being lazy but I was confused that all . Thank you again.

Welcome. And good luck.

The question and the thread is 3 years old.