Just for fun: History of Argentina

Hello everyone,

Whether you're a history buff or not, here's a chance to learn about the history of Argentina. Below are a few trivia questions to test whether you have the correct facts.

1. Name 3 iconic monuments/structures in Argentina
2. What is the name of the national anthem? When and by whom was it created?
3. Name 2 eminent national historical figures
4. When is the national day celebrated in Argentina?
5. Which are the most important turning points in the Argentine history?

Thanks for participating,

1- A. Kavanagh Building, B. Puente Valentín Alsina, c. Barolo Tower
2-  A,Hear, mortals, the sacred cry: Freedom! Freedom, B- 1822
3- A, when Inca Empire invaded in 1480. Some of present day Argentina became part of the Incan Empire and some resisted. In 1516, the Spanish arrived in the person of explorer and navigator Juan Diaz de Solias. B, 1946 Indigenous people march in Malón de la Paz to Buenos Aires to demand land rights.
4- 25 the May
5- 1946 Perón elected President; re-elected to presidency in 1951