Payment methods in China

Hello everyone,

Once you're settled in China, you will need to make some basic purchases, like groceries or pay bills. Hence, it is essential to know the payment methods available in your host country.

Which are the most common payment methods in China? Why would you prefer some forms over others?

Does the amount of money or the type of paid services (groceries, bills, rent, etc.) determine the choice of payment methods?

Are there any apps at your disposal which make the payment process easier in China?

Can certain foreign currencies be used to make payments?

Have your habits in terms of payment methods changed since moving to China?

Thanks for sharing your experience,


Purchasing things in China is very easy.

You can pay in cash. That is my preferred option. But then again, I am "old school".

You can use WeChat. This is what most people use in China. They connect their Wechat account with a local Chinese bank. Then simply pay using the QR code on their smart phone. This works for everything from riding a bus, buying food, or renting a car.

You can use Alipay. This is more common on internet payments and large payments, but you can use it as an alternative for Wechat.

You can pay by credit card or debit card. This is pretty much the same as the rest of the world.

Or you can deposit a sum of money in advance and pay from that using a FOB or a signature. This is very "old school" and it is how people used to pay for local services. However, it is alive and good in China. As an example, there is a Hunan restaurant that I like. I put 500 RMB in an account there and get 20% my meals as I am now a "VIP". then when ever I eat, I just sign my signature, and they debit my account.

I am sure someone will correct me if I am wrong- but I see Chinese people 'only' paying via WeChat PAY or credit//debit card.
Seems not too many people use cash any more?
But as of LATE 2018 foreigners are not allowed to get credit cards--- and we are not allowed to transfer money to our phones, or to our PayPal accounts.
I really wish there was a PREPAID "VISA" credit card I could buy- because it is near impossible to order anything outside of china mainland. And a Union pay DEBIT card is near useless. Cannot even book a hotel with it.
I now have to get a Chinese friend to buy food & stuff off Taobao for me. A real pain in the butt.
"ANYONE" have any "VISA CARD availability" advice for foreigners? VISA is the only true INTERNATIONALLY ACCEPTED name--
Anyway-- the issue is-- some shops and certain restaurants look at me funny when I try to pay by CASH-- and they have to go get the manager to open the till- and then they do not have proper change- ETC... ETC.... NOW CASH IS THE PAIN IN THE BUTT!
Soon we will have 666 chips in our heads--- :sosad:

I have seen some using Alipay while some We Chat
whats the difference
what are the pros and cons of both, Any idea?

etc. etc....

The main payment methods in China are WeChat, Alipay and Unionpay which are all linked to Chinese bank accounts. The only reason foreigners have problems making purchases in China is because they don't have Chinese bank accounts and they don't have Chinese bank accounts because they don't qualify for them - over 66% of the 400,000 so called 'English' teachers are working illegally. Quite frankly I have zero sympathy for anyone who is having issues because of this. They're cheating the system and hopefully the authorities will catch up with them.

WeChat is the most popular payment method and tremendously convenient. WeChat changes the way you shop as the system. Carrying cash in your pocket is a thing of the past. WeChat can be used for all purchases, large or small and is universally accepted.

I pay mostly with cash. One with cash I know how much I'm spending since I have xxx amount in my pocket.

I do from time to time use wechat cash, this is topping off my cell phone, this is easier, or for lite lunches or coffee. The reason I don't use my phone to pay more often is I don't like others to keep track of my spending or shopping habits.

And yes my means of paying has changed since I moved to China. I never use my credit cards, and I do use my phone from time to time to purchase stuff.

Thank You and agree.

I am a foreigner in China and cannot speak in Mandarin, but I managed to open a bank account and wechat money. Wechat money is so convenient. No risk for accumulating 10-cent coins which most of stores do not accept

To buy groceries, paying daily bills, ride taxi etc mostly everyone in China using Wechat and Alipay
For business wires use online banking and Alipay
Visa card is accepted at Good restaurants, hotels, shopping malls
If you want to open visa card then it requires you have Chinese residence permit based on working permit, stable bank statment showing wages record, social inssurance then bank can consider to issue you a visa card.

If you want to comment, especially about China's progress in innovations due to Foreigners like you, you must be sure if your facts.

China's high speed rail is NOT a foreign design. It's China's own 100% design n built.

Remember the West robbed China of Gunpowder, silk and paper.

Many people still use cash as a mode of payment.

High speed rail is a SIEMENS design from Germany--

Hi everyone,

Please note that some off topic/inappropriate posts have been removed from this thread. I invite you to stay on the initial topic.

Thank you,

and the French and Japanese models too. They were in use long before the Chinese High Speed Rail system, that said, it's very good !

Hi Priscilla,

QR code, mainly two methods, Alipay & WeChat pay. Of course, cash is okay. However, they prefer QR.

You can use a UK debit card to take out RMB from ICBC bank cash machines. You do not need to have an ICBC account.