Expats salary guide

Expats salary guideline

What is the expected salary for finance manager position?

Many factors to take on board, firstly your home country, this is a huge influence on salaries.
Qualifications and country qualifications  obtained from can greatly influence a salary also
Experience (total) vs experience with the actual position offered
Employed locally or by an international company (also from what country this company comes from)
Package offered, meaning, will you organise own accommodation and transport within Indonesia or leave to your company
probably google said positions and average monthly or annual salaries for a rough idea
As an example most European, USA, Australia etc engineers want daily (ish) what our Indonesian colleagues are getting monthly (ish)

KingKong87, there is no fixed expat guideline about salaries in Indonesia, not anywhere else. It's simple, some companies will pay little whereas others will pay a lot, same goes for the perks.

I know a local General Manager who is working for an American company and his salary is around IDR100 million per month and if he terminates he will get several billion rupiah. But I also know another local General Manager of a 5 star American Hotel who earns around IDR15 million.

English teachers can earn from IDR10 million to 30 million depending on their experience and position. I know a Country Director of an English Language School who is earning IDR94 million including the overseas allowance and they get a free luxury apartment, medical and repatriation package etc.

So basically, different companies will offer different salaries and different packages. If I were in your position, I would be aiming at earning upwards of IDR70 million per month plus all the perks. But if I was desperate and willing to earn less then at least aim for IDR50 million per month and try to get housing included.