
Creating a database of our skills and networking

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After a particularly nasty experience last week where I was told that I wasn't suitable for a job as I was not Norwegian, an idea popped into my head about creating a database of us foreigners' skills in regards to work.
I have heard from many expats that I know and from reading the blogs that gaining employment that is relative to our skills or experience can be a little difficult.
Not everyone can swallow their pride or downgrade their sense of self worth to accept low paying jobs or dead end employment simply to make the wheels go around financially.
A great deal of us are married to Norwegians, whilst others are immigrants from western countries with good education and a diverse employment history.
The idea is that if we create some sort of database we can perhaps network, combine our skills to see if possibilities lie in the entrepreneurial aspect of employment. 
Generally, those that are prepared to immigrate to another country are people that are self motivated, courageous and strong in spirit.  I believe that opportunities lie in our differences, our differing perspectives and ability to identify 'gaps' or areas where Norwegians are not delivering or are unable to see solutions.
Many of us have a different 'work ethic' to the natives, not afraid of hard work or accepting accountability and responsibility and can be innovative in our approach to obstacles and challenges. 
To focus on our strengths as foreigners may perhaps open doors that will allow us to regain our self worth, our pride and allow us to fully participate in the culture on our terms.
Anyway, it is just an idea, I would love to hear from others if they think this is achievable and any suggestions into how to implement it.
We could include an 'ideas' section.  Often we can have an idea, but not have the required skills or support to move forward. This may be a way to address that.

See also

Job offers in NorwayWorking in NorwayFind a job in Norway from abroadStarting a business in NorwayThe labor market in Norway

I differed from you in my last post (on education!) but completely agree with you here. I think this is a really good idea. Are your hopes, then, that we could find work for each other, or that those who are looking for employees might find us?

I just posted on my blog last week about this very topic - that foreigners actually WANT to work and not just live off the system. I was really annoyed by an article in the newspaper that suggested that Norway should have fewer immigrants because we are unproductive, lazy, etc. GRRRRR!!!

I also think that to focus on our strengths and regain some self-worth is vital!

Thanks for this post.


The idea is that if we create a database, who we are, what we are educated in, what we are experienced in, and a skills database, we might be able to help each other creating jobs, combine our skills.
The other is that this could possibly lead to an agency of sorts, a resource tool for those seeking foreigners, or the particular perspective or skill set that we have for jobs.
I agree that to read in the media that we are lazy and live off handouts is very offensive and frustrating.
For many of us, especially as we have moved away from family and friends, gaining decent employment is important and integral to maintaining purpose and our self image.  It can be very depressing to be locked out from opportunity by a system that then tries to make you feel guilty about not participating.
So firstly, we need someone who is good with creating databases, or a system to 'map' our skills.


Just saw this on VG.  This is the sort of attitude that we are challenged by and that we need to tackle.  As it affects us as a group, we are the ones that need to do something about it, we cannot rely on others.


GRRRRRRRRRR to VG article! Incredible. I really dislike that it is OK (I mean, generally acceptable!) for officials to make these kind of statements in the press. And without providing any sort of statistics! As I commented in my blog, I'd be very interested in knowing how many kroner are taken from the system by Norwegians who are on sick leave vs. those working temporary jobs and then using NAV until they find the next job. Not to mention that you can only get from NAV what you put into NAV in the first place (i.e. I get dagpenger based on the amount I worked before getting dagpenger, as would any other immigrant).

But this is a fight I am clearly not going to win ...

So - what do the rest of you have to say? Anyone else out there interested in starting a database of our skills?


Frustrating to say the least.  I can understand that they may be referring to unskilled workers and those that have a preclusion to integrate based on cultural and religious backgrounds, yet I observe that in countries with an overly genrous welfare system, integration is not as high as in countries where you need to integrate to survive.
As immigrants I believe that it is our responsibility to do something about it, and yelling, screaming and complaining will not help (it will relieve the pressure, but we need to be careful who we vent to).  We need to observe the system, look for opportunities and work with the system, deliver viable alternatives and evidence that we are a resource that is underused and under appreciated in the current cultural climate.
If we take the initiative, we are displaying self motivation and can at the very least, boost our self esteem.

Arif Hossain

Thank you, for my work Search. my need work


If there are any IT people out there, this is where we need some help.  We need to create a website, some sort of portal where we can create this database, where we can upload cv's, list our skills and employment experience, education and training. 
Also we can create a 'noticeboard' where people can connect.  With so many of us with such a diverse skill set there must be opportunities for entrepreneurs to get together.
Seems that one of the best options for us if we are experiencing closed doors and reduced opportunities in the job market is going independent. Immigrants are one of the most active groups in establishing new business and small business's create jobs and are a major motor in the economy.
If we have been discriminated against in applying for jobs, then at least if we end up as employers we can help change the culture...


Hi Guys,

I'm new to Oslo and have just seen this post. Sounds like a great idea and I'd love to be a part of making it happen.

From my own limited experience, along with my some of my foreign friends' experiences in Oslo, I can understand how this could be hugely important resource for immigrants in Norway.

Unfortunately I don't have anything to offer in the way of IT skills, but I do have a lot of communications experience which may be useful.




I think that all skills are valuable as we all bring something to the table.
I am trying to sort out some details but looking at creating a site where we can list our skills and cv's and then we can get in contact with each other as ideas arise..

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