
Does anyone know any construction workers there?

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Hi, we have visited Vanuatu last year and now we want to move there in near future,

We bought a block in Tassiriki and planning to build the house there. Does anyone know any construction workers there?  we want to build the house by ourselves and we hope to move there within half year.  we have a 6 years old daughter. Don't know which school I can put her in once we arrive.  Have signed her up in PVIS. and informed us this term has spot for her but we can't make it this term and put her back to waiting list for next year.  I heard there is a container school is good too but not sure there will has a spot when we there.

I hope to meet new people there and make some friends. 

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Roland Mortimer

I know construction workers the do garden constructions, fares, gardeners cottages those sorts of things, house slabs outside toilets and septic systems that sort of thing.
They are pretty basic but do a good job.If you are still looking for help.
I use them off and on on all sorts of jobs and actually use them to finish off a house a while ago.
Roly Mortimer