Hello-need info on familly visa

:) hello everybody.I am new here from few minutes.I am living in Berlin,soon we will make familly visa for my husband(from Pakistan) and i need to know most important things.How looking this all process visa,how much salary i must have for they don't see any problem.Greetings from Berlin :)

Your husband can apply for a family reunion visa at the German embassy in his home country.
To be eligible, you need to have sufficient financial means to pay for both your and his living expenses (at the survival minimum of currently €9000/year per person), accommodsation (e.g. rented apartment) and health insurance for him. Since you are not German, there is no requirement for basic German language skills (but of course it would help).
The embassy will also check if yours is a genuine marriage, or just a trick to get a visa. So be prepared to show proof of how you met, how long you know each other and what activities you did together (e.g. travelling).
A family reunion visa is processed by the foreigner office of the town where you intend to stay with him. The process duration therefore depends on them and is usually 3 - 6 months.

Thank you.But I don't understand this 9000e per person... Please explain me more.I start work after few days,I will be have 1400e netto,I have son so kindergeld too,everything will be 1700e.Its ok?

As I said you need at least €9000/year for each person.
If you are three people (incl. son), you need €27000/year.

(The situation is different if the kid is HIS son.)

27000e but brutto yes?

I believe it is Netto (after tax), but you need to confirm this with the embassy.
There also is, as far as I heard, a lower amount needed for kids (depending on age).