
Visa for partner

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The Nightflier

Hi everyone,

I've the opportunity to move to Fiji and work there.

My girlfriend hasn't any job offer so far and she'd like to move with me. I understood that the tourist Visa is valid 4 months +  2 months extension.
My question is, how long does someone have to wait before going back for another tourist Visa after exiting the Country at the Visa expiration?

She works in the Wine industry, how's the job situation of this industry in Fiji at present? Import/Export etc.

Many thanks for your help, hope to see you soon!

Kind regards


See also

Living in Fiji: the expat guideEntering Fiji while waiting visaFIJI RESIDENT PERMIT ON ASSURED INCOME INQUIRIESWork PermitWANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT WORK PERMIT
The Nightflier

I don't want to bother you guys but does anybody know something?


There is no wine industry as such. Australian wineries export to Fiji. Some grapes grown locally for the food markets.
Regarding visas I suggest you contact the immigration dept.  An online search may help too.


Hi there!

Just wondering how it went for you.

I have very similar questions; I would get a work permit and my partner would be following me.

Would he be able to be attached to my work permit and work or be able to have his own business? Or does he have to get his own work permit with an employer ?



@AMBRE 1987

The OP has not been active since 2018 so you will not get a reply.

Martin Fullman



Thank you for your question. If a person applies for a work permit and is accompanied by their partner, the partner will need to apply for a separate work permit if they wish to work in Fiji. The partner cannot be included in the same work permit application as the primary applicant.