I'm an Eco-Touism volunteer in rural Cambodia for 5 minths

Hi. I am from England and I'm volunteering and living in rural Cambodia on a conservation and eco-tourism project for 5 months. Long term protection of a wetland nature reserve for Sarus Cranes (The tallest flying bird in the world) and helping the community benefit from eco-tourism in anything they need. Have a look
Mekongcrane.com. It would be great to have people advise me with anything about living in rural Cambodia.

Hello Slimshaz.

Good work you do, conservation of wetlands to keep as habitat for Sarus cranes.

About your quest for help, it would be better to specify your questions re living in rural Cambodia, that way we can give specific answers.

I lived in rural Cambodia (Cardamom Mountains) for 7 months, know all about the basic life there, a great experience for me. Keep up the good work!

Cambodia expat-advisor
Expat.com team