I'm interested in finding expats who work to uplift and help the Filipino people in Manila. Do you or any ex-pat you know have a worthy cause ? Please let me know.

In Manila no.  Where I live I am/will be sponsoring 6 children through college.  And currently providing accommodation and food, etc for two.  - As a note they are all family members of my GF.

Thank you for the reply. It's a great thing you are doing. The reason I posted was to try to find stories for a proposed TV show, and I need to keep the first filming in Metro Manila for cost reasons. But thank you asnd good lucjk.

Do you have an email that we communicate through. I am working on a project that may be of interest to you. Don't wish to discuss on this forum.

Yes. ***.  Thanks,


Moderated by Bhavna 6 years ago
Reason : Please do not post your contact details on the forum. You should exchange them through the private messaging system.Thank you
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Be very careful. Filming in the Philippines can be very dangerous.

The Salvation Army (I am not associated with them) do amazing things all around the world.  I know that they are in the Philippines and may be worthwhile contact for you.

PS there is also the Rotary, I am not sure of Manila but I know in that in Angeles City there is a mix of expats and Filipino's, and that they sponsor some street kids through school.  And I think, via the schools, make available health meals to the children

All the best.

Thank you. I will follow up.

Thanks. I have filmed there before and will be working with well known and experienced locals, but  I appreicate the heads up.

caravan57 wrote:

Thank you. I will follow up.

PS if you go to Angeles and want to look into the other side of the place the doors may not open to you.  If you just want to look at what some people do to help the street kids, then the doors may open to you.  Put respect the people (expats and locals) and, as I am sure you are aware as a Documentary maker there are some things that people will allow you to see and others thing they will not.

Simply respect that many expats as many of the expats don't fit into the western world for one reason or another.  Filipina's and even Filipino's that work in the seedy industry are doing it because they have to.  This is a very tough country, for many of them 5,000php a month is food on the table, food that they didn't have before, the difference between life and death is food.

Hi. Understood. Thanks.

I'm working towards employing single moms through data entry jobs. I've just now found a business location. I will also be providing SEO services to American companies.
I have a few other companies I work with but are not part of my main business plan.
My goal is to gradually place laptops and wifi in trusted employees home's. Hopefully making hubs for several mothers to work and share child care duties.
I'm currently in Toledo City Cebu. Tonight, I was discussing the possibility of relocating to Manila for many reasons.
Is this the kinda of community improvement project that would intereste you?