
How much I'll have left after paying the taxes ?

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Hello from Italy,

I know this thread is an old one, but I am keen to move to London and need some advice about the cost of living. With my skills and from advice from my friends I think I'll be able to earn around £18,000 with my level of English.

I hope to work in an restaurant or something of similar. I'll be able to work full time as I am not a student.  I'm trying to work out the rent prices, living costs and how much I'll have left after to pay the taxes. I found this online is it right? U.K income tax calculator

It told me I'll have just £1,294 left per month to live. Is it enough? I am happy to share a room and to not have an expensive lifestyle. Can somebody give me some advice? In Italy that is a lot of money but I know the house costs in London are more  :(

See also

Tax in the United KingdomHow to report UK pension on US tax form?Working for a UK company (living in the UK) and German company remoteTax equalisationexchange admin and tax advice

Welcome to the Forum EvieG2017 :)

You really should have asked this question on the England Forum, I have asked the Admin team to move it there. You will get a better response once it has been moved.

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