Thank you for your email, and for the thread, although I must admit that retracing my experiences in Puerto Rico is both tiring and disagreeable. If you don't mine, instead of long narrative I'll just make a few points:
Bought a newly contructed house that i discovered had a damaged roof. After months of trying to have the seller fix the roof I was forced to go to court. End result: $50,000 in legal fees... roof still damaged... sold the house at a huge loss.
Went to buy a coco frio at a stand at the beach for $3.00, on my back to the car later i saw the vendor selling the same cocos frios to locals for $1.00
At a local computer store I was waiting in line to be served. Locals came in behind me and were served first. I complained and was laughed at by the clerks who had ignored me.
At a place I rented. A lesbian woman with an apparently severe hormone imbalance habit splashed me with water whenever i used the sidewalk in front of her apartment building.
Taxi drivers always tried to overcharge me by $5 to $10 over the posted rate. I started complaining and asking for names... but it was frustrating.
Neighbors gang up on you, cast insults, throw trash in your doorway... the most UN-neighborly country in the world, for sure.
The few times I needed to call the police I was informed to go to another agency who referred me to another agency who referred me to another agency who said it had been a police problem.
Mafia families... I could name 3 at least. I do not think its appropriate on this forum to spell out their names. But these families can do anything with impunity. I was in court once against one of them and my cased was lost before it even began, despite being the victim and having all of the appropriate evidence. If I got into specifics it would identify me so, I must leave it at that.
My bad experiences in Puerto Rico could cover volumes... You must believe me when I say that I am being quite sincere when I try to save others from what I suffered there. And then there are people like yourself, whom I have not had the pleasure of knowing. Of course there are good Puerto Ricans, and if you happen to be a Puerto Rican I am sure your life, withing the tribal social system could be nice. But for a foreigner, I really must insist that Puerto Rico is a land of great injustice and everlasting disappointment.
Best Regards