What to expect when moving to Denmark

Hello everyone,

Is there anything you wish you had known before moving to Denmark? For example, transportation, internet speeds, types of housing, aspects of the culture or social life.

In your opinion, what's the most important thing to know about Denmark?

When would you recommend someone should begin planning their move to Denmark?

What were the most helpful ways you found to get organised? For example, did you use a checklist, were there any particularly useful websites or apps?

What advice would you give to future expats preparing to move to Denmark?

Thank you for sharing your experience.


In my opinion , doctors and dentists should not move here . The authorisation process is way too long and an actual waste of life . It's better to move to Germany or even Sweden for that matter . I can't say about other professions much but I know engineers who are unemploied still . Even if you know the language , it's still extremely tough to penetrate the job market , which is very small compared to bigger economies like Germany.

I wrote a list of five things I wish I'd known or considered before moving to Denmark, but I think it's good advice for moving to any country : http://www.sageandsimple.com/2015/03/ti … oad-alone/

Privat rengøring Københavnng Privat rengøring København (Danish)

I've moved to Odense recently with my boyfriend who started a job at the SDU. I've just started a blog of our experiences:


Probably the thing I wish I'd known is how much average things cost, like rent, bills and the average weekly food shop.

In regards to the rent/bills and food shop do you find they are more expensive then you thought?