Recognition of foreign qualifications in China

Hello everyone,

Were your professional qualifications recognised in China? What country did you complete your qualifications in? What profession are you in?

Did you have to go through any formalities to get your qualifications recognised, such as to have them translated?

If your qualifications weren't recognised, were there any additional tests or exams you had to complete before you were able to practice your profession in China or continue with your studies?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


I came as an ExPat on a (internal) managerial contract for a multinational. My qualifications were vetted internally and only required any translation for visa purposes.

My qualifications were recognised for getting an English teaching position.I had to have it apostilled(notarised ) in my country though.

I'm not sure if OP means " China Foreign Expert Certificate" which will require more than just a notarized translation and maybe reference check by HR!

I have worked and lived in China for 20 years, competing within THEIR system and always working with Chinese employers, clients and peers. The insinuation that there is some sort of "magic bullet" in order to survive belies a superficial understanding of China and life itself. I found one must get into the trenches and do the best they can with what they have, realizing that there are wins and there are losses. Patience is foremost and not sweating the little stuff is also helpful.

Regarding teaching in China, any subject, ESL or otherwise, the Chinese government has recently changed their qualifications for the work visa (z-visa).  The process for getting the visa is pretty elaborate, but the qualifications are fairly straight-forward.

You can find all this information on this FAQ page: [link moderated]

In Australia I have to pay $80 Australian Dollars to a government department to assure the Chinese that I have a degree. Confirmation is available on my universities website for free.
Problem is, any idiot can copy something from the net. The ultimate solution? Ink on a line and a numbered certificate!

It is pretty straightforward.  To get a working visa (Z-visa) you need a college degree. That will get you started.  Then, you need to apply and obtain a job that will sponsor your Z-visa.  Very easy to do. Then you need to go through the final formalities with the visa.