My introduction

Hello everybody!

I am Austrian, married to a Nigerian, having a beautiful little boy.
I consider moving to western Africa, if my country doesn`t submit a Visa to my husband.
Being little bit scared of how would life be there, I registered at expat, to get more information about Nigeria, especially Delta State, where the family of my husband lives. Thinking about the start of a completely new life worries me, even if a have experience spending time in different places (India, Lesotho, South Africa...).

I`m on this page to learn everything possible about life in Nigeria, so that I will be prepared if moving there gets real.
What I am interested about mostly is everything that concerns my family life: school opportunities, work opportunities, safety, housing...

Hope to get much information!


You should be able to enjoy Nigeria but just dont expect the same standards as in the western hemisphere.


Any get together? I m new to this forum. please let me know.


Hi Monika, you have nothing to worry about.Niger delta is the best place to work as they have too many oil companies in delta as well as oil would be safe.the most lucrative business here is hybrid seedlings. Etc and would make a hell of cash if you are hardworking. You can also go into government contracts. Delta is a nice place to be.