
permetion of work


hey everybody i need a help about my subject, i have schengen visa and i want to go in norway to work , if it possible to find work?? and they can give me same paper( contract ...) to stay more than 3 month . thanks for answer

See also

Job offers in NorwayWorking in NorwayFind a job in Norway from abroadStarting a business in NorwayThe labor market in Norway
Gordon Barlow

I don't live in Norway, but my son and his children live there, and I visit regularly.  So I am slightly familiar with the situation there. I think your chance of finding work is small - especially if you aren't fluent in English. Also, your post doesn't say what work you do. Norway isn't at all short of people wanting to move there, you know!


thx Gordon Barlow,  i speack good english , i not looking for specific work i just want to know about if i find work they can give me same paper( contract ...) to stay more than 3 month?


balbouli wrote:

hey everybody i need a help about my subject, i have schengen visa and i want to go in norway to work , if it possible to find work?? and they can give me same paper( contract ...) to stay more than 3 month . thanks for answer

Yes, in theory it is possible....but not probable.  The government site UDI.NO can answer many questions about requirements you need to fulfill.  Among the most important, is being qualified in a needed skill that cannot be filled otherwise.  Also, fluency in Norwegian and English is often needed to get such a position.

Romaniac Experts Team


balbouli wrote:

thx Gordon Barlow,  i speack good english , i not looking for specific work i just want to know about if i find work they can give me same paper( contract ...) to stay more than 3 month?

Sorry, but from looking at your post history, you don't.  You might want to improve on it to better your chances at finding a job.  :whistle:


romaniac  ,  everybody can do mistake and we here to know same information not to spy on others as u do .


People are being retrenched in Norway due to oil prices crisis.  In addition, there is a large group of immigrants looking for jobs in Norway too.

If you do not speak norwegian, it is extremely hard to get jobs even blue collar jobs like waitresses or manual work jobs.

If you do not speak or write good english, it is difficult to find an office job in multi national corporations.  Note that there are very few such companies and most of them are retrenching people.  You can google these news.  This sad situation will continue all the way till end of 2016.

If you already have a job and can afford to survive in the country you are in now, I suggest you stay there and wait until things improved in Norway.

Gordon Barlow

Balbouli. We have all given you good advice, and you would be wise to take it. It's no use your snapping at us and pretending you speak English well enough to hold down a job where proper English is required. We haven't heard you speak, and it's possible that your English is understandable enough to get a job where you don't need to read or write it. But your written English is not acceptable by any standards. There is no such word in English as "permetion", for instance; two seconds on Google Translate could have told you that. There are some threads on this forum that can help you, if you are willing to let them.

(If your wife is a teacher of English - as you told us in another thread - then perhaps she can teach you.)


Gordon Barlow   , as i say before we here to know some information and help each other ,so not need to teach me english better to give me  information what i need  because not u or another capable to teach

Gordon Barlow

"If you do not speak or write good english, it is difficult to find an office job in multi national corporations.  Note that there are very few such companies and most of them are retrenching people.  You can google these news.  This sad situation will continue all the way till end of 2016.  If you already have a job and can afford to survive in the country you are in now, I suggest you stay there and wait until things improved in Norway."

Balbouli. This (above) is what Romanian has told you. We are all giving you good advice - namely: don't bother looking for a job in Norway if you don't have what the employers want. What more can we do?

Of course this is not just a Norway problem. I began a thread on the Expat Cafe forum that you should probably subscribe to - and indeed anybody else that needs to ask questions about learning proper English. Also, my blogsite carries several posts on the topic; most of them are identifiable by their titles. You could start with the one in September 2012 titled "Nothing to loose (sub-standard English)". It's only a blog-post, directed at residents of my Caribbean island home - and more about written English than spoken - but it's better than nothing.


Easy on your choice of words and your responses Balbouli.

I really don't see your point of aggression here..

Gordon and Romaniac have both been very nice and HELPFUL with you with their responses. Learn to accept criticism along with it if you really want to make progress in life.


balbouli wrote:

romaniac  ,  everybody can do mistake and we here to know same information not to spy on others as u do .


Hello balbouli,

I have been an English language (ESL) teacher for over 28 years, hold a BA (English) and B.Ed (English) from two of the best known universities in Canada. So, if you aren't going to listen to me you aren't going to listen to anyone here.

1. Your English language skills will not get you a job, you need to get back to studying the language and concentrate heavily on spelling, grammar and word order. Sorry if you find that difficult to accept, but you really need to understand that the other people here are not trying to put you down, they really are trying to help you.

2.  When the locals are having a difficult time finding work, it is even that much more difficult for expats to secure employment. You have been advised by people who are actually there that it is going to be extremely difficult for you to find any work.

I hope you will take everyone's advice.

James Experts Team

Loy Fernandes

Hi  Balbouli,

No - They do not give any papers to stay more then 3 months, you have to leave the country before 3 months.

No - You cannot get work here unless you are registered with the tax department and you have a personnel Norwegian ID number.

Good Luck