Foreing Villa

Has anyone heard about a project to stablish a foreign village in Bali? I have been approach for a member of the forum asking if I want to be part of the project!

A foreign village in Bali?

I know nothing about it, but I do have some thoughts about it. Firstly, if this is not some sort of scam to prey on susceptible newbies to Bali, then I think the whole idea is atrocious.

That is exactly what  I thought! the guy send you a questionary even asking you your passport number! and how much you are willing to put in the project?? he is from Russia I was very suspicious but he keep in sending me private messages! I am very disappointed that some still doing this in a decent site! all I want to know is a few answers how can I settle in Bali!!

You need to report him and Admin will do the rest.

A “foreign village” sounds a bit strange, but we've been in the long term planning stage to develop a retirement community within our village on village owned land.   With a new Siloam hospital to be built less than 2 km down the road, this proposed project is now making a lot more sense.

Foreign village....? hmm.... that sounds really intriguing.
I hope he made it into a kinda United Nations thingy with 193 nationalities....
That would be really cool :D

fifitadog wrote:

ven asking you your passport number!

That's easily enough to earn a ban.
Report the PMs immediately and send me a copy by PM so I can dump him if the mod team are offline.