Work Idea's Brazil for english and portuguese speaker
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Does anyway have any interesting work idea's for a native english speaker who speaks Portuguese as well
other than the usual english teacher
Maybe tourism or oil and gas industry , trying to get idea's
I have a media creation/entertainment (sound engineering/video editing/music composition/band leader )and a bit of tourism experience as well
But what I am really looking for is a way to do soe easy work by utilizing english 1st language and decent Portuguese
I used to help out at a tourism center in the northeast translating as the sales people would explain and sell th tour packages , didn't make much money but it was great experience for improving and showed me I can translate
Hi Steve,
Here in Brazil it's always best to stick with something that you've got lots of work experience in or fields where you've got some kind of diploma. It is very difficult for expats to find jobs here because Brazilian labor laws require employers to PROVE to the MTE that they've exhausted all efforts to place a qualified Brazilian in any job vacancy before they can hire an expat to fill it.
James Expat-blog Experts Team
Have you thought with working with timeshared,? its in the tourism area, and ccan give you lots of options.
No hadn't thought of that , you mean like shared holiday rentals
Yes. And there is a big amount of hotels around the country that work with time shared projects.
Hi Dear,
I totally agree with Gabby, I am from Recife graduated in tourism. There's many jobs is this area that could help u out.
What city are u planing to work?
At the moment looking at the Ilhabela/São Sebastião area in São Paulo
Fluency in both Portuguese and English will certainly be a major factor in your favor when being short-listed for a potential job interview.
Just remember that it WILL NOT HELP in any way for jobs that don't require a university degree or some technical certification. The less academicor technical skill requirements a job vacancy has, the greater the chance that the employer is going to be able to find a Brazilian to fill the vacancy. They can't get around the existing law by saying they hired someone who was better qualified. The law is quite clear, if a Brazilian is qualified to do the job the employer MUST hire the Brazilian. Expats do not get any unskilled jobs, they all go to Brazilians.
The difficulty in finding work here in Brazil is one of the main reasons that most expats either start up some kind of business of their own, live for the most part off of their accumulated wealth from their home country, or become self-employed private service providers.
James Expat-blog Experts Team.
Wow! This explains a LOT. What exactly is the MTE?
Hello James,
What if the expat has a RNE and a Carteira de trabalho ? Do they not have the same rights as a Brazilian citizen?
Please, could you explain what the MTE is.
Thanks for your help and info.
The MTE is Ministério de Trabalho e Empregos (Ministry of Labor)
Interestingly, according to the Constitution of the Federated Republic of Brazil, 1988 EVERYONE in Brazil, even tourists, have all of the same rights as a Brazilian citizen, with the exception of those few rights expressly reserved for Brazilian citizens in the Constitution. (Those rights mostly refer to voting, holding public office, and applying for jobs in the public service). But if you're really asking about your rights under labor laws....... YES, you have all the same benefits as a Brazilian has.
James Expat-blog Experts Team
So since I as an Expat can't vote or hold office-I'm subject to TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION!!!! Sounds familiar............
One thing I never understand with the carteira de trabalho - the actual right to work is linked to the visa and RNE am I right
The way I see it the carteira becomes necessary when you get formal employment
Do you need it if you are just doing a bit of freelance work for yourself as an expat , or are you committing an offence by doing any work at without a Carteira de trabalho.
The way I see it the carteira has to do more with workers rights and formalities of emplyment than permission to do any sort of labour.....from what I can gather after speaking to people about it , or am I totally wrong
can you shed more light on this document and the specific legalities for me?
No, the Carteira de Trabalho is only for formal work in this country. You must have it to work for any company here that requires an employment contract. If you are self-employed or operate your own small business the CTPS isn't always necessary. If you've created a company then yes you do need one since you're essentially an employee of that company and would require it just as any of your employees would.
One must have either a VIPER Permanent Visa, or a VITEM-V Work Visa to obtain a CTPS. Working while on a VITUR Tourist Visa is prohibited.
It really does demonstrate that you have the legal right to work, it's not just a document that records one's employment history and benefits as one might think, although it does also serve that purpose.
James Expat-blog Experts Team
Ok , thanks
So I won't be arrested and deported for doing say , a few private english lessons part time with the RNE and VIPER
I'm trying to get the carteira but it's proving tricky at the moment due to logistics , I'm about to move so applying at my current city would mean mulitple trips back and forth right now
I was all et with the appointment last month and then they were on Strike!
Ok , thanks
So I won't be arrested and deported for doing say , a few private english lessons part time with the RNE and VIPER
I'm trying to get the carteira but it's proving tricky at the moment due to logistics , I'm about to move so applying at my current city would mean mulitple trips back and forth right now
I was all set with the appointment last month and then they were on Strike!
No, you won't have any problems teaching private students without a CTPS. You will however be limited to students who are willing to pay you out of their own pocket. Several large companies pay for their employees to take English classes, but they only pay for lessons given by a registered "company" or teacher who has taken the time to register as a business and obtained a CNPJ (Cadastro Nacional de Pessoa Juridica) as opposed to the usual CPF (Cadastro de Pessoa Física).
You can also work for any of the traditional language schools if you already have your RNE, since they hire on a "Service Provider Contract" and you're not considered an employee, but rather a contractor. You won't make a lot of money, and they don't pay any benefits, but you don't have to go to all the trouble of trying to recruit students. If you're any good at teaching they'll usually start filling up your available time. You may need to work at a couple of schools in order to keep busy and make enough to get by on.
James Expat-blog Experts Team
My wife is an English teacher and already has the CNPJ set up in her name for more corporate stuff
I guess I will just make the effort to get the Carteira when I need it.
Hi James,
I have my RNE, CPF and Carteira de Trabalho. I want register my company that I operate in my home country here in Brazil as Branch and start Brazil operations as well.
Please advice me what must I do
You need to apply for a CNPJ (Cadastro Nacional de Pessoa Jurídica). Talk to an accountant or lawyer who has experience in business start-ups. You may also require state and municipal business licenses depending on the type of business and if you have an actual "physical" location that the business operates from. State license = IE (inscrição estadual; municipal license = Alvará de funcionamento. A lawyer or accountant should be able to help you obtain them.
James Expat-blog Experts Team
Hey there!!
This news doesn't sound very encouraging...I've been living in SP for four years and I've sent out countless resumes and posted my resume on an online job website. The only responses I ever get are from English schools that only offer a few classes a week. I teach English now, giving private classes and working at a small school in the periferia on Saturdays. But at this point I need a REAL job. I have a bachelor's and master's degree in the social sciences. If what James is saying is true, am I wasting my time looking for jobs in SP? Is my only other alternative opening a business? Sao Paulo is ABSURDLY expensive and I need to find something FAST!
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